
Daughters of St Paul

The Daughters of St. Paul during their annual Christmas concert. / Credit: Courtesy of The Daughters of St. Paul

Daughters of St. Paul Christmas Concerts in the U.S. Aim to Remind Audience of the "closeness to God"

Dec 1, 2024

The “Come to Bethlehem: A Christmas Concert with the Daughters of St. Paul” tour will make stops this year in New York, Boston, and New Orleans.

The Book titled "Freedom and Trinity" by Italian-born Fr. Nicholas Fogliacco. / Paulines Publications Africa.

Late Missionary, Scholar in Kenya Leaves Lasting Legacy in New Book on Freedom, Trinity

Oct 24, 2020

Before he died in May last year aged 81, Italian-born Fr. Nicholas Fogliacco had accumulated enough content that would be put together to make one of the most treasured books that seeks to promote the mission of evangelization in Africa.

Fr. Joakim Kamau Njani during the online seminar on “Popular Mission” organized by the Daughters of St Paul in Nairobi ahead of World Mission Sunday. / ACI Africa.

“Mission, an enterprise we must do in togetherness”: Kenyan Cleric Ahead of Mission Sunday

Oct 18, 2020

The need to cultivate fraternal collaboration in the ministry of evangelization has been emphasized on the eve of World Mission Sunday, an annual event when Catholics across the globe renew their commitment to their missionary vocation and implore God’s graces for the missions worldwide.