
Fr. Augusto Mutna Tambá

Fr. Augusto Mutna Tamba

Catholic Official in Guinea-Bissau Concerned about Surge in Violent Conflicts over Land, Urges “good neighbourliness”

Jun 18, 2024

The Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator of the Catholic Diocese of Bafatá in Guinea-Bissau is concerned about a surge in violent conflicts over land that have resulted in deaths and injuries in the country in West Africa’s Atlantic coast.

The flag of Guinea-Bissau. Credit:

Human Rights Entity in Guinea-Bissau Denounces Threats against Catholic Priest

Jan 9, 2022

The leadership of the Guinean Human Rights League (LGDH) has, in a statement, denounced reported threats against a Catholic Priest for allegedly criticizing the country's President, Umaro Sissoco Embaló.