
International religious freedom

Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Vatican secretary for relations with states. | Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA

Vatican official: Hundreds of Millions of Christians "face high levels of persecution"

Jun 7, 2024

“More than 365 million Christians, approximately 1 in 7, face high levels of persecution for their faith,” Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher said.

The flag of Nigeria on a military uniform. Bumble Dee/Shutterstock.

U.S. Government Accused of Overlooking Religious Violations in Nigeria

Jan 11, 2024

An international Christian legal advocacy organization, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) International has accused the United States of America Government of turning a blind eye to the persecution of Christians in Nigeria after the West African nation was omitted from the Country of Particular Concern (CPC) list of worst religious freedom offenders.

Residents of Ngbam, Benue state, Nigeria, on April 8, 2023, the day after gunmen killed at least 43 people and injured another 40. | Courtesy of Justice, Development, and Peace Commission

Nigeria among Countries with Religious Freedom Violations Ignored by U.S.: Hearing

Jul 19, 2023

Religious liberty advocates in a hearing on Tuesday shared details with members of Congress on the dire state of religious freedom in countries around the world. 

The flag of Nigeria on a military uniform. Bumble Dee/Shutterstock.

Legal Group Joins Outcry over Removal of Nigeria from Religious Freedom Watch List

Nov 23, 2021

An international legal group has joined the outcry over the U.S. State Department’s decision to remove Nigeria from this year’s watchlist of countries with the most egregious violations of religious freedom.