Catholic Bishops in Kenya are calling on the government of the East African nation to fully support the revised draft of the United Nations (UN) Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights at the ongoing negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Catholic Bishop of Kenya’s Marsabit Diocese has urged the people of God in Kenya to start praying to get hardworking leaders who will have the people’s interests at heart as campaigns toward August 2022 general elections gain momentum.
The Synod on Synodality specifically stands out for including the people of God at the local level in the decision-making processes of the Church. This, according to a Kenyan Catholic Bishop, does not however translate to some form of democracy where opinions will be accepted outside the hierarchical structures of the Church.
Commitment of women and men Religious to their families is slowly killing the spirit of evangelization in Kenya, members of the Commission for Clergy and Religious of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have said.
Catholic Bishops in Kenya have voiced their concern about the ongoing violence in Laikipia, Kerio Valley and Marsabit, areas that fall within the Kenyan Dioceses of Nyahururu, Kitale and Marsabit, respectively.
Catholic Bishops in Kenya have, in a collective statement, outlined nine issues of concern, which they want addressed to keep alive the hope of the citizens of the East African nation.
Catholic Bishops in Kenya are urging Members of Parliament (MPs) to pressurize the government to “actively participate” in the planned United Nations (UN) Binding Treaty negotiations.
One of the greatest sources of joy in the mission to the margins is journeying with people who have never known about Christianity until they receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, Fr. Bonaventure Luchidio who coordinates the work of Priests working in Kenya’s hardship missionary territories has said.
The Catholic Archbishop of Kenya’s Mombasa Archdiocese is among religious leaders spearheading a renewed fight against COVID-19 in the country’s Coastal region.
The leadership of St. Mary's Mission Hospital Mumias, one of the Catholic health facilities in Kenya’s Kakamega Diocese, is taking pride in the manner the situation at the facility has transformed, attributing the positive turn of events to a bank donation.
A Kenyan Catholic Bishops has challenged religious leaders across the globe to identify ways of actualizing Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter on human fraternity and social friendship, Fratelli Tutti, at community levels.
The newly released Misale ya Kiroma (Roman Missal) is set to become “obligatory” in celebrating Holy Mass towards the end of this year, phasing out the old one, Catholic Bishops Kenya have said in a preliminary page of the new Swahili Missal.
Kenyan Catholic Dioceses experiencing primary evangelization are among those in urgent need of help owing to the plunge in funding from the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of Faith Universal Fund, a body charged with the duty to assist needy churches across the globe.
Catholic Parishes across various Dioceses in Kenya are invited to pray the Holy Rosary for those working towards evangelization in the country through the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB).
Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have expressed the need for younger members of society to build relationships with their grandparents and other elderly people who they describe as an “indispensable” gift to humanity.
Catholic Mission Hospitals are over-stretching their resources while attending to COVID-19 cases in the country, the Bishop at the helm of the Health Commission of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) has said.
Catholic Bishops in Kenya have, in a collective statement issued at the end of their Ordinary Plenary Assembly, outlined seven issues affecting the East African nation, which they want addressed for a “peaceful, secure and prosperous” nation.
Kenya’s Interfaith Council mandated to guide the resumption of public worship amid COVID-19 pandemic is urging caution following the latest easing of the coronavirus restrictions in the East African nation.
A Catholic Bishop in Kenya has challenged journalists in the East African nation to engage in evidence-based reporting, cautioning against armchair journalism.
Kenya government’s declaration of the site where Pope Francis presided over public Holy Mass during his 2015 visit to the country as a national monument has been welcomed by the Catholic Bishops in the East African nation, terming it an honor to the Church and the Holy Father.