
Missionary Youth Movement (MYM)

Credit: Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN)

Nairobi Archdiocese to Gather Youths on “Saba Saba” Sunday for Holy Mass, Voicing Concerns amid anti-Govt Protests

Jul 6, 2024

The Chaplaincy of Kenya’s Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN) has invited members of the Youth Serving Christ (YSC) and Young Catholic Adults (YCA) for Holy Mass and a forum for them to join other Kenyan youths voicing grievances against President William Samoei Ruto-led government on July 7, “Saba Saba” Sunday.

Credit: Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN)

“What they have is theirs”: Catholic Bishop in Kenya Cautions Youths against Reliance on Parental Possessions

Apr 22, 2024

Members of the Missionary Youth Movement (MYM) in the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN) in Kenya have been cautioned against relying on the possessions of their parents and guardians and instead work hard to build their future.

Nairobi Archdiocese’s Weeklong Missionary Youth Movement Workshop on “seven aspects of life” Concludes with Annual Mass

Apr 19, 2024

Members of Missionary Youth Movement (MYM) in Kenya’s Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN) are set to conclude their weeklong workshop with Holy Mass on Saturday, April 20, an annual celebration that brings together thousands of representatives from the 120 Parishes on the Kenyan Metropolitan See.

Fr. Victor Mbuthia, Chaplain of Missionary Youth Movement (MYM) preaching during the Archdiocesan Mass at St. Mary's Msongari ground in Kenya's Nairobi Archdiocese. Credit: ACI Africa

Come to Terms with Personal “internal struggles, demons”: Kenyan Catholic Priest to Youth

May 1, 2023

Members of the Missionary Youth Movement (MYM) in Kenya’s Nairobi Archdiocese have been challenged to come to terms with their personal “internal struggles”.