Paying keen attention what Jesus Christ teaches has the benefit of facilitating “true transformation” and a lifestyle pleasing to God, Bishop Raphael Mweempwa of Zambia’s Catholic Diocese of Monze has said.
Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Raphael Mweempwa who has been serving as a lecturer and formator at St. Dominic Major Theological Seminary in Zambia’s Lusaka Archdiocese the Bishop for Monze Diocese in the Southern Africa country.
A Cleric ministering in Zambia has, during an ecumenical prayer service against COVID-19, called on the people of God in the Southern African nation to “stand together” in the fight against the pandemic.
The Church in Eastern Africa is remembering the late Bishop Moses Hamungole who succumbed to COVID-19 complications Wednesday, January 13 for his social communication initiatives in the region.
Bishop Moses Hamungole of Zambia’s Monze Diocese who has been battling COVID-19-related complications has passed on.
The Bishop of Zambia’s Monze Diocese who has been undergoing care after he tested positive for COVID-19 is in a stable condition at a Catholic Hospital in his Diocese, the Bishop has confirmed in a social media post.
Sr. Edna Himoonde, a member of the Religious Sisters of the Holy Spirit (RSHS) in Zambia’s Monze Diocese envisions a school tucked on the edge of a fruit-tree orchard. At this school, children from poor backgrounds in Western Zambia will use their time outside class to get practical knowledge in growing crops and rearing animals.
Sisters of the Little Servants of Mary Immaculate (LSMI) in Zambia are still waiting for answers from authorities concerning the August attack that left two members of their Religious Order seriously injured.
The people of God in the Catholic Diocese of Monze in Zambia received a boost in the plans to put up a new Cathedral when, on Saturday, July 4, the Government handed over a five-hectare piece of land to the Local Ordinary, Bishop Moses Hamungole.
At a time when governments across the globe have been forced to expend their resources in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, Bishops in the southern Africa nation of Zambia are encouraging the people of God in their country to reach out to the poor and vulnerable in their midst rather than expect foreign donations.