Pope Francis has expressed his condolences to the families of the two priests, formators at Saint John Vianney Seminary in Pretoria, South Africa, who died in the December 3 road accident and made known his prayerful solidarity with the two others who survived the Tuesday afternoon tragedy.
Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Gabriel Sayaogo, who has been the Local Ordinary of Burkina Faso’s Manga diocese, the new Archbishop of Koupéla, an Archdiocese in the Eastern region of the West African country where Archbishop Séraphin François Rouamba has been the Shepherd.
For the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Pope Francis Sunday venerated a statue of the Virgin Mary located in Rome’s Piazza di Spagna, reciting a prayer he wrote for the occasion.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Catholic Church has partnered with the Church of Christ of Congo (ECC) to preserve the tropical forest in line with Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter ‘Laudato si’ which calls on the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new path.
On Sunday, December 1, at the three-in-one event marking 25 years since the inauguration of the Congolese Catholic Chaplaincy in Rome, 25th anniversary of the beatification of Catechist and martyr Isidore Bakanja, and the feast of Blessed Marie-Clémentine Anuarite Nengapeta, citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) residing in the Italian capital pleaded with Pope Francis, who had joined them for a special Mass, to have Blessed Anuarite and Blessed Bakanja canonized.
Ahead of the Vatican Christmas tree lighting Dec. 5, Pope Francis expressed hope that the nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square will serve as a reminder of what Christmas is truly about.
Pope Francis decried the mistreatment of migrants and said that he is shocked by anti-immigration narratives within Europe during a conversation with Jesuits in Thailand published Thursday.
Pope Francis said Tuesday that disabled people make important contributions to humanity, and called discrimination against them a sin. The pope added that disabled people are not members of humanity's minor “leagues.”
With the legal effect of the new Apostolic Constitution governing institutions that offer Vatican-approved degrees into its second academic year for many such academic and formation entities in Africa, heads of these Church institutions of higher learning across the continent including Chancellors, Rectors, Presidents and Deans of faculties met in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi to strategize the aligning of the administration of their respective facilities with the new norms contained in the document of Pope Francis, “Veritatis Gaudium” (the joy of truth).
Catholic business owners have both a grave responsibility and an opportunity to promote the Church’s social teaching in a difficult atmosphere, Pope Francis told young entrepreneurs Monday.
This Advent, choose prayer and charity over consumerism, Pope Francis said Sunday in his first Mass of the liturgical year.
Marking the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, Pope Francis sent a message to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople on Saturday, voicing his desire for full communion between the Catholic and Orthodox.
Pope Francis said Saturday that the Church suffers with couples who are in a “wounded marriage,” and seeks their healing in truth.
In a visit to Rome’s Caritas center Friday, Pope Francis emphasized the shared experience of vulnerability among Christ and the poor.
Pope Francis told the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s theological commission Friday that synodality will be key for the Church in the future.
Although investigators are looking into a controversial Vatican investment in a luxury London property development, whether the deal was corrupt is still an open question, Pope Francis said Tuesday.
Pope Francis reemphasized opposition to nuclear weapons, the global arms trade, and capital punishment on the plane ride back to Rome following his apostolic visit to Japan and Thailand.
In two separate appointments released Saturday, November 23, Pope Francis named Togolese Bishop Nicodème Anani Barrigah-Benissan the new Archbishop of Lomé, Togo and Bishop Ernest Ngboko Ngombe, the new Archbishop of Mbandaka-Bikoro in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo).
The personal secretary to Pope Francis will leave his position in December, after nearly seven years of service to the pope.
Pope Francis prayed for peace Sunday at the site of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, where he called for an end to war and the threat of nuclear weapons.