Pope Francis will be hospitalized for “some days” after being diagnosed with a respiratory infection, the Vatican said Wednesday.
Pope Francis on Wednesday spoke against a comfortable Christianity that keeps Jesus at arm’s length rather than inviting him into the heart to change it.
Pope Francis on Wednesday will bless a satellite that will launch his words into space on June 10.
Pope Francis said emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning could be beneficial to society as long as they respect human dignity.
Members of the Pious Society of the Daughters of St. Paul (FSP) in Nairobi, Kenya, have published a book, “Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Pope Francis to Africa”, that engraves the Holy Father's third pastoral visit to Sub-Saharan Africa in readers’ minds.
On the fifth Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis challenged the faithful to do as they did when they were little children learning how to walk: letting God take them by the hand.
Pope Francis permanently decreed Saturday an updated version of Vos estis lux mundi, his landmark legislation to counter sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis accepted the resignation of a German bishop on Saturday who played a key role in the German Synodal Way and had come under pressure over his handling of clerical sexual abuse in his diocese.
The Catholic Priest who served as Pope Francis translator during the ecumenical visit to South Sudan has, in an interview with ACI Africa, expressed his elation at having received a letter of gratitude from the Holy Father.
Pope Francis on Thursday declared a priest, three religious sisters, and two laywomen as venerable servants of God, moving them each a step closer to canonization.
To effectively witness to the Gospel, Christians need to be consistent in what they believe, how they live, and what they preach, Pope Francis said Wednesday.
Pope Francis has invited Catholics to annually renew an act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25.
Pope Francis will travel to Budapest, Hungary, in just over a month for an April 28–30 visit to the capital of the central European country.
Disney will release a new documentary April 5 titled “The Pope Answers,” airing an extended conversation between Pope Francis and 10 members of Generation Z, discussing the Church’s stance on LGBTQ+ issues, abortion, clergy abuse, feminism, and more.
The Holy See reported on Saturday that the Vatican’s diplomatic headquarters in Nicaragua was forced to close.
We should treat the physical and social differences of others as a chance to love, not as an inconvenience, Pope Francis said in his Angelus address on Sunday.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his election to the See of Peter, Pope Francis sat down with Infobae — a news agency from Argentina — to reminisce about his pontificate and to discuss issues affecting the Church and the world. During the interview, he said: “There is no contradiction for a priest to marry.” He called priestly celibacy “a temporary prescription” and said that it’s a prescription that could be reviewed.
Pope Francis has expressed his prayerful solidarity with the people of God in Malawi following the devastating effects of Tropical Cyclone Freddy, which has reportedly claimed the lives of at least “400 people in Malawi, Mozambique and Madagascar since it first made landfall in Africa”, according to Reuters.
Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Fortunatus Nwachukwu as Secretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization, the Vatican section for the first evangelization and the new particular Churches that “serves the work of evangelization, so that Christ, the light of the nations, may be known and witnessed to by word and deed, and the Church, his mystical Body, may be built up.”
Pope Francis said Wednesday that everyone in the Church is equal in dignity, thus a focus on hierarchical advancement is “pure paganism.”