“Is it right to hire a hitman to solve a problem? That’s what abortion is,” the pope said.
Division and exclusion come from Satan, Pope Francis warned.
The special delegate will oversee the Memores Domini.
Pope Francis encouraged Europe’s bishops to introduce people to the joy of an encounter with Jesus.
The pope stressed the importance of listening and “a pastoral attitude.”
The Synod on Synodality specifically stands out for including the people of God at the local level in the decision-making processes of the Church. This, according to a Kenyan Catholic Bishop, does not however translate to some form of democracy where opinions will be accepted outside the hierarchical structures of the Church.
The pope made the comments during his four-day visit to the Central European country.
He sent the message to an international theological congress in Rome.
“Do you want to be first? Serve. This is the way,” the pope said.
He was addressing Catholics from the Diocese of Rome.
He said: ‘Please, pray for me who is a little old and a little, but not too much, sick!’
The pope formally instituted the new lay ministry in May.
The President of Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) has lauded the Synod on Synodality, which Pope Francis announced earlier this year to solemnly open next month, on 9–10 October 2021 in Rome.
He added that “one of these, poor guy, is hospitalized with the virus.”
The pope spoke to around 25,000 young people in Košice, eastern Slovakia.
The just concluded International Eucharistic Congress was fruitful in multiple ways, a Nigerian Archbishop has said.
Pope Francis is the first pope to attend an International Eucharistic Congress since the year 2000.
“Dear friends, the family is alive if it finds itself united in prayer," the pope said in a message ahead of the World Meeting of Families in Rome.
“I would like to reiterate that if we want to preserve fraternity on Earth, ‘we cannot lose sight of Heaven.’”
The 11-foot-tall puppet symbolizes unaccompanied refugee children.