He added that “one of these, poor guy, is hospitalized with the virus.”
The pope spoke to around 25,000 young people in Košice, eastern Slovakia.
The just concluded International Eucharistic Congress was fruitful in multiple ways, a Nigerian Archbishop has said.
Pope Francis is the first pope to attend an International Eucharistic Congress since the year 2000.
“Dear friends, the family is alive if it finds itself united in prayer," the pope said in a message ahead of the World Meeting of Families in Rome.
“I would like to reiterate that if we want to preserve fraternity on Earth, ‘we cannot lose sight of Heaven.’”
The 11-foot-tall puppet symbolizes unaccompanied refugee children.
Pope Francis has expressed his solidarity with victims of Ethiopia’s ongoing conflict ahead of the country’s New Year Day celebrations.
He was addressing participants in the 25th International Mariological Marian Congress.
At his general audience, the pope appealed for peace in Ethiopia.
Pope Francis has said that silent prayer with the Gospel is the “secret to spiritual health.”
“It is important to promote a ‘culture of faces,’ which places the dignity of the person at the center," Pope Francis said.
At the general audience, the pope continued to reflect on Galatians.
He made the appeal in his prayer intention for September.
The nurse reportedly advised the pope to undergo tests in February.
The pope asked those present: ‘What do you expect from the Church?
Pope Francis has donated medical equipment to St. Joseph Catholic Hospital of Liberia’s Monrovia Archdiocese, to help in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.
Complaining and blaming others is a waste of time; the way to defeat evil is to conquer it first within our own hearts, Pope Francis said.
The pope called for renewed efforts to combat child pornography, data breaches, and cyber attacks.
‘Every baby, in every case, and in whatever situation is to be welcomed,’ the pope says in a new video.