Pope Francis has appointed the Bishop of Uganda’s Kasana-Luweero Diocese as the Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Kampala, which fell vacant following the death of Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga on April 3.
Pope Francis appealed for a global coronavirus recovery plan in a message to participants in the spring meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF).
In a letter to a Spanish weekly, Pope Francis recalled “with emotion” his time spent in adoration at the Basilica of the Blessed Sacrament in Buenos Aires.
Members of the Clergy, women and men Religious, and Laity in Cameroon including government officials have continued to pay glowing tribute to Christian Cardinal Tumi who died April 3 at the age of 90.
Pope Francis said on Wednesday that the communion of saints means that Christians are never alone in the darkest moments of their lives.
Pope Francis has appointed a Bishop for Tanzania’s Bunda Diocese, the third youngest Catholic Diocese in the East African nation.
Pope Francis is inviting Catholics around the world to pray this month for people risking their lives by standing up for fundamental rights.
At the Regina Coeli, Pope Francis encouraged Christians to “never tire of seeking the risen Christ.”
May those who suffer take refuge in the wounds of Christ, and through them, receive the hope which does not disappoint, Pope Francis prayed on Easter Sunday.
On Easter Sunday 2021, Pope Francis offered Mass at the Altar of the Chair in St. Peter’s Basilica. Afterward, he gave the Urbi et Orbi message and blessing. The following is the full text of the pope’s Easter message.
Here is the full text of the Easter Vigil homily of Pope Francis, delivered April 3 at St. Peter's Basilica.
At the Vatican's Easter Vigil Mass, Pope Francis said that Jesus’ love is without limits and always provides the grace to begin anew.
Politics turned into ideologies have wounded fraternity in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap., said at the Vatican’s Passion of the Lord liturgy on Good Friday.
Pope Francis told priests at Thursday’s Chrism Mass at the Vatican that “the cross is non-negotiable” when preaching the Gospel.
At his general audience, Pope Francis said that Holy Week is a time to “remember the ‘sacrificed lambs,’ the innocent victims of wars, dictatorships, everyday violence, abortions.”
In a new interview, Pope emeritus Benedict XVI has expressed delight at the Year of St. Joseph declared by Pope Francis.
Pope Francis has told priests that “spiritual worldliness” is one of the worst temptations in clerical life.
Pope Francis urged Catholics to focus on the cross during Holy Week as he celebrated Mass on Palm Sunday.
At the Angelus, Pope Francis prayed for Indonesian Catholics injured in a bombing as they left a Palm Sunday Mass.
The Vatican has published Pope Francis’ schedule for Holy Week at the Vatican this year.