
Port Louis Diocese

Fr. Yudesch Arnachellum who ministers in the parish of Saint-Esprit, Bel Air, Port-Louis diocese. / Port-Louis diocese

“I was delighted to find the parishioners”: Mauritian Cleric at Resumption of Public Mass

Jun 9, 2020

A Priest serving in the Indian Ocean island nation of Mauritius has expressed joy interacting with the faithful of his Parish on Holy Trinity Sunday, June 7, the first Eucharistic celebration since the resumption of public Mass in the country after more than two months of a nationwide lockdown.

Maurice Cardinal Piat, Bishop of Port-Louis Diocese Mauritius.

“I fully understand your disappointment,” Mauritian Cardinal to Muslims on Eid Celebration

May 22, 2020

As Muslims around the world prepare to mark Eid al-Fitr, the celebration of the end of the dawn-to-sunset month-long fasting of Ramadan, the head of the Catholic Church in the Indian Ocean Island of Mauritius has expressed his solidarity with the Muslim faithful in the country, regretting COVID-19 related restrictions that will limit gatherings.

Maurice Cardinal Piat,  Bishop of Port-Louis Diocese in Mauritius.

“I appeal to the generosity, solidarity of parishioners”: Mauritian Cardinal

Apr 28, 2020

A Cardinal in the Indian Ocean island nation of Mauritius has appealed to parishioners in his country to help meet the needs of their respective parishes as their Priests struggle financially amid COVID-19 challenges that have seen reduced support toward the needy.

Board Members of the Council of Religions in Mauritius.

“The war to be fought is against COVID-19,” Religious Leaders in Mauritius United

Mar 28, 2020

Religious leaders in Mauritius have come together to demonstrate their unity of purpose in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 in their country and invited citizens in the Island nation to stand together in the battle.

Maurice Cardinal Piat, Bishop of Port Louis in Mauritius. / Diocese of Port Louis

“Resist panic, keep calm”, Cardinal Piat Tells Mauritians amid First COVID-19 Death

Mar 23, 2020

The Bishop of Port Louis diocese in Mauritius, Maurice Cardinal Piat has, in a message addressed to the faithful, appealed for calm in order to avoid the spread of the disease.

Maurice Cardinal Piat, Bishop of Port Louis in Mauritius who unveiled his Pastoral Letter on the Lenten Season titled "Together let us build a lasting peace” on February 25, 2020 / Diocese of Port Louis

“It is together that peace will be lasting": Mauritian Cardinal in Message for Lent

Mar 1, 2020

The need to pull together for lasting peace in Mauritius is a key emphasis of Maurice Cardinal Piat, the Bishop of Port-Louis Diocese in his message for the Lenten period in the Indian Ocean Island nation.