The commission comes as the Vatican City State and the Roman Curia continue to face budgetary and funding challenges.
Pope Francis delivered Christmas messages at the Vatican, warning against gossip, while the Holy See announced he is experiencing cold symptoms.
For the fifth consecutive year the joint retreat between the Holy Father and the Roman Curia has been canceled.
Like the two years’ prior, Pope Francis and the Roman Curia will again do the Vatican’s annual Lenten retreat on an individual basis.
Pope Francis issued a decree on Tuesday aimed at improving the financial accountability of funds, foundations, and other legal entities inside the Vatican.
Bishop Marco Mellino was addressing the heads of Vatican dicasteries.
Under Pope Francis’ reform of the Roman Curia, the internal structure of the CDF has been reorganized into two sections.
The long-awaited text replaces the 1988 document ‘Pastor bonus.’
He said that Vatican officials should set an example for Catholics worldwide.
Msgr. Guido Marini has been in charge of papal liturgies since his appointment to the role by Benedict XVI in 2007.
Pope Francis has appointed Jesuit Fr. Paul Beré, the first African to win the Ratzinger Prize, as a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, which is an entity within the Roman Curia established to ensure the proper interpretation and defense of Sacred Scripture.
Pope Francis appointed on Friday the first lay head of the Roman Curia’s disciplinary commission.
Pope Francis urged the Roman Curia Monday not to view the Church in terms of conflict, but to see the current “ecclesial crisis” as a call to renewal.
To carry out the continuing reform of the Church requires a willingness to change and a commitment to personal conversion, Pope Francis said Saturday, during his annual Christmas greeting to the bishops and cardinals of the Roman Curia.
The publication date of the new constitution governing the Roman Curia has been delayed again as Pope Francis' council of cardinals continues to evaluate suggestions to the draft that was given to bishops' conferences in May.