Accra, 15 March, 2024 / 8:31 pm (ACI Africa).
Participants at a planned 12th Information and Communications Technology for Development (12th ICT4D) Conference that the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has organized are set to explore ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help in mitigating effects of climate change.
In a Tuesday, March 12 statement, the humanitarian arm of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) says the conference that is set for the 19th and 20th of this month will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and networking opportunities on various topics, “including interactive sessions on some of the most current topics including harnessing AI to mitigate the effects of climate change.”
CRS says that at the conference, using the latest technologies like generative AI and chatbots for social good will be explored as the agenda of the event “aims to foster thought-provoking discussions and hands-on training.”
More than 600 senior practitioners from public, private, and civil society organizations will attend the function the ICT4D Conference that CRS founded in 2010 “to share how they are applying digital innovations to increase the impact of development and humanitarian programs.”
Apart from CRS, eGov Foundation, MercyCorps, MERLTech, Public Digital, Digital Impact Alliance, and SOS Children’s Villages are some of the organizers of the event.