
Congo-Brazzaville and Rwanda 2022 Land Agreements Not “transfer, sale, spoliation of Congolese land”: Catholic Bishops

The two memoranda of understanding and a concession agreement in the agricultural field, which the Republic of Congo and Rwanda signed in April 2022 is not a “transfer, sale or spoliation of Congolese land”, Catholic Bishops in Central African nation popularly known as Congo-Brazzaville have said.

In April 2022, Congo-Brazzaville reportedly granted Rwanda 12,000 hectares of exploitable land in at least three Districts in the South of the country, Africa News reported.

In a Friday, May 24 statement issued following an extraordinary session in Brazzaville, members of the Episcopal Conference of Congo-Brazzaville (CEC) say these agreements have been the “subject of many concerns and questions among the Congolese people.”

Faced with these concerns, CEC members say that they requested an audience with the Congolese Prime Minister, Anatole Collinet Makosso, on the content of these agreements.

On Thursday, May 23, the Catholic Bishops were granted an audience with the Prime Minister, accompanied by seven members of the government.


After the “serene and fruitful” discussions that lasted two and a half hours, CEC members say the Prime Minister made available to the Bishops “documents and other materials relating to the agreements between the Congo and Rwanda.”

CEC members also say they received in audience the Rwandan Ambassador to the Republic of Congo.

After examining the details of the agreements, the Catholic Church leaders clarify that “there has been no transfer, sale or spoliation of Congolese land to Rwanda.”

“The protocols signed concern five temporary occupancy authorizations for a renewable two-year period, and one express occupancy authorization decree for a 20-year period,” they further say.

In their statement, CEC members urge the Prime Minister to “make these protocols available to the general public, in the interests of transparency and raising awareness.”

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They congratulate the people of God in Congo-Brazzaville for their “commitment to the preservation of the national heritage” and reassure them that they will “remain attentive and vigilant in monitoring the application of the exact terms of these agreements.”

The Catholic Church leaders caution the people of God against rumors, and urge them “not to give in to speculation of any kind likely to disturb the peace and tranquility of minds.”

Jude Atemanke is a Cameroonian journalist with a passion for Catholic Church communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Buea in Cameroon. Currently, Jude serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.