
New Catholic Bishop in Tanzania Urged to Encourage Participation of the Faithful Under His Care

Archbishop Godfrey Jackson Mwasekaga, the newly consecrated Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Mbeya in Tanzania. Credit: Radio Maria Tanzania

Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, the Archbishop Emeritus of Tanzania's Catholic Archdiocese of Dar-es Salaam has urged the newly consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Mbeya in the East African country to be ready to listen to the faithful that will be under his care, and to encourage their participation in the running of the Archdiocese.

In his Sunday, May 26 homily during the Episcopal Consecration of Mons. Godfrey Jackson Mwasekaga at the Sokoine Stadium in Mbeya, Cardinal Pengo urged the newly consecrated Auxiliary Bishop to be a preacher of Christ’s teaching, a leader and a faithful guardian in the Church.

The Cardinal encouraged Mons. Mwasekaga who is going to serve as the first Auxiliary Bishop of the Tanzanian Archdiocese to “care for the poor, the downtrodden, and travelers” and called on him to “encourage the faithful to participate with you in the apostolic work and do not refuse to listen to them.”

Mons. Mwasekaja was urged to be a servant leader and to always seek to learn from Jesus Christ who he described as “the greatest teacher.”

“Remember to always be the good shepherd who knows his sheep and does not hesitate to give his life for them. Love all those that God is going to put under your care, especially priests and deacons, your companions in Christ’s service with fatherly and brotherly love,” Cardinal Pengo said.


The Cardinal outlined what is expected of the newly consecrated Catholic Church leader, who was appointed Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Mbeya on March 9, saying, “watch over the faithful given to you, where the Holy Spirit has placed you, to guard the Church of God whose image you carry, and in the name of God the son in whom you are consecrated, and through the Holy Spirit the sanctifier of the church in our weaknesses.”

Cardinal Pengo who was the principal consecrator implored the faithful to respect and work closely with the Auxiliary Bishop whose Episcopal Ordination also coincided with the one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary of evangelization in the Archdiocese of Mbeya.

In his role, Mons. Mwasekaja is expected to assist Archbishop Gervas John Mwasikwabhila Nyaisonga in the running of the Archdiocese.  

The 60348 square-kilometer Metropolitan See which was elevated to the Archdiocese in December 2018, was erected in July 1932 as Mission "Sui Iuris" of Tukuyu. The Tanzanian Archdiocese with three suffragan Dioceses namely: Iringa, Sumbawanga, and Mafinga has a population of 550,530 Catholics representing 19.7 percent of the total population according to 2021 statistics.

Irene Wambui contributed to the writing of this story

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