
Catholic Archbishop in Mozambique Calls on Christians to Show Love for Country in Elections

Archbishop Francisco Chimoio. Credit: Maputo Archdiocese

The Archbishop emeritus of Maputo Archdiocese in Mozambique has called on Christians in the country to show their love for the country by turning up for the country’s general elections slated for October 9.

Addressing journalists Wednesday, May 29, Archbishop Francisco Chimoio called on Mozambicans to “act in a dignified manner” throughout the electoral process.

“Christians and non-Christians must get involved so that there really are fair and true elections,” Archbishop Chimoio said, and added, “Everyone must be committed. He who doesn't commit himself doesn't love his people or himself.”

“We therefore call on all people of good will, all people created in the image and likeness of God, to act in a dignified manner so that their lives truly bear witness to the love that God showered on us the day we were introduced into the mystical body of Christ,” the Mozambican Archbishop said.

He continued, “It's a big mistake to think only of us as Christians, because Christians don't make up the entire population of Mozambique.”


The Catholic Archbishop appealed to the media to help people grow in “truth, sincerity and honesty.”

“What I really want is for the media to try to help people grow in truth, sincerity and honesty, and for people to truly respect their dignity and not waste favorable opportunities to do good,” he said, and urged the media to “communicate what is true, just and acceptable.”

Voter registration process in Mozambique that started on February 1 ended on April 28 ahead of the country’s general elections slated for October 9.

In a pastoral note issued April 2, members of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique (CEM) urged electoral stakeholders to take the expression of the will of the people seriously and avoid manipulation and disinformation.

“The electoral registration process underway plays a crucial role in guaranteeing the integrity and transparency of democratic processes, so it must be impartial in order to guarantee greater coverage and in a fair and equitable manner,” the Catholic Bishops in Mozambique said.

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In the pastoral note signed by CEM President, Archbishop Inácio Saúre, Catholic Bishops in Mozambique drew the attention of the agents and actors in the electoral process to the responsibility that rests on to ensure free and transparent elections.

To political parties, CEM members recommended the drawing up programs that respond to the real needs of the country and not to the agendas of small elites. 

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.