
“Don't forget the poor, sick, immigrants”: Catholic Archbishop to Newly Ordained Bishop in Angola

Bishop Vicente Sanombo, presented to the people of God in the as the new Bishop of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Kwito-Bié. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Bishop Vicente Sanombo, the newly Consecrated Local Ordinary of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Kwito-Bié, has been called upon to reach out to the needy in society, including the sick and immigrants and all victims of bad governance during his Episcopal Ministry. 

Archbishop Zeferino Zeca Martins of the Southern African country’s Catholic Archdiocese of Huambo made the call during the consecration celebration on Sunday, June 23 at the courtyard of the Higher Catholic Polytechnic Institute in Huambo.

“Don't forget the poor, you should always be there for them. Don't forget the sick in hospitals, the pilgrims, the immigrants, and all those whom the wrong policies in the management of public, cultural, or family affairs have placed on the periphery of history, in the ditch of oblivion, consigned to oblivion,” Archbishop Zeca said in his homily.

He called upon the Angolan Bishop-elect to “take into account the new forms of slavery that today's world is mercilessly spreading, affecting consciences and weakening freedoms.”

“Preach the Word of God; admonish with patience, praying and offering a sacrifice for the people entrusted to you,” Archbishop Zeca said.


The Angolan member of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) emphasized the need for the Bishop-elect to prioritize service in his Episcopal Ministry, saying, “the episcopate is a service and not an honor; so, it should be distinguished more by the service rendered than by the honors received.”

“Be a loving father and a shepherd; take care of those whom God has entrusted to you, especially the Priests and Deacons, your collaborators in the service of Christ, as well as Religious men and women, and all lay men and women who give themselves to the cause of evangelization,” he said.

The Local Ordinary of Huambo called upon the Bishop-elect to make the Lord's flock grow by bringing the lost sheep to the fold.

“You must work tirelessly for those who do not yet belong to Christ's flock, as if they had been given to you by Christ Himself,” Archbishop Zeca said.

He went on to call upon members of the Clergy to “welcome with faith, a sense of the Church, evangelical and missionary love, the new shepherd, your father in faith, for it is he, whom Christ sends you as shepherd, and the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in his apostolic solicitude, has confirmed and placed at the head of his flock, of which you are a part.”

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The Episcopal Ministry is difficult to accomplish without the help of the faithful, the Catholic Archbishop of Huambo said, and appealed, “We must pray that the mandate of the youngest Bishop of our Episcopal conference will be increasingly blessed.”

Until his March 28 Episcopal appointment, Bishop Sanombo had been serving as Vicar General of his native Archdiocese of Huambo. Born in October 1964 in Cangenge, Angola, Bishop Sanombo was ordained a Priest for Huambo Archdiocese in November 1992.

In his address during the June 23 celebration, the President of the Bishops' Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST), Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba, welcomed the new Bishop of Kwito-Bié, saying he is “now part of the Episcopal College, a space for sharing, communion, participation, mission, solidarity, dialogue and humility in the diversity of gifts.”

Archbishop Imbamba thanked the Holy Father for his apostolic concern in favor of the people of God of Kwito-Bié Diocese, whose waiting for a Local Ordinary has ended.

“A new page is opening for the Church of Kwito-Bié, which is why I ask that the new pastor be welcomed with fervor, charity, and the spirit of the Church so that with him they can continue to build the Church of Christ,” the Local Ordinary of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo in Angola said.


Meanwhile, in his maiden speech following his Episcopal Consecration, Bishop Sanombo thanked God for granting him the grace to have a more active role in the Church and society. He thanked Pope Francis for the trust placed in him, and thanked CEAST members for welcoming him.

Bishop Sanombo said he was ready to serve the people of God of Kwito-Bié diocese.

He is to be at the helm of the Angolan Catholic Diocese that has a population of 1,630,155 Catholics, according to 2021 statistics

The 73,025 square-kilometer Catholic Diocese of Kwito-Bié was erected in September 1940 as the Diocese of Silva Porto on territory separated from the Diocese of São Paulo de Loanda. In May 1979, it was renamed the Catholic Diocese of Kwito-Bié.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.