
Immediate Former Bishop of DR Congo’s Isiro-Niangara Dies Hours after Pope Francis Appoints Apostolic Administrator

Bishop Dieudonné Madrapile Tanzi (right) of the Catholic Diocese of Isangi and Bishop Julien Andavo Mbia (left)

Bishop Julien Andavo Mbia, the immediate former Local Ordinary of Isiro-Niangara Catholic Diocese in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has passed on.

The 73-year-old Congolese Bishop died in the early hours of Sunday, July 14, under two days since Pope Francis appointed Bishop Dieudonné Madrapile Tanzi of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Isangi as Apostolic Administrator “Sede plena et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis” (at the behest of the Holy See).

In a statement obtained by ACI Africa, Bishop Madrapile Tanzi announces “with sadness” the passing on of Bishop Andavo Mbia, which he says “occurred this Sunday, July 14, 2024, around 4:15 a.m. in Durba where he was admitted for treatment.”

Bishop Madrapile Tanzi invites the people of God “to pray for the eternal repose of the soul of Bishop Julien Andavo”, adding that the funeral program “will be communicated to us in the following hours.”

Born in September 1950, the late Bishop Andavo Mbia was ordained a Priest of Isiro-Niangara Diocese in August 1979.


He was appointed Bishop of his native Diocese in February 2003; he was at the helm of the same Episcopal See since his Consecration in March 2003.

The leadership of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) made public the appointment of Bishop Madrapile Tanzi as the Apostolic Administrator of Isiro-Niangara Diocese on Friday, July 12.

In a statement shared with ACI Africa, CENCO members said that the Holy Father made the appointment “having considered the state of health” of the Local Ordinary of Isiro-Niangara Diocese, Bishop Andavo Mbia.

“From this day on, all ordinary powers over the said Diocese revert exclusively to Bishop Madrapile, who will assume with pastoral solicitude the effective administration of the Diocese of Isiro-Niangara,” CENCO members said in the July 12 statement that the Secretary General, Mons. Donatien Nshole, signed.

Mons. Nshole added, “The General Secretariat of CENCO offers its warm and sincere congratulations to Bishop Madrapile on this heavy responsibility and wishes him a fruitful ministry in the Church-Family of God in Isiro-Niangara.”

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Born in August 1958 in Faradje, Bishop Madrapile was ordained a Priest in August 1985.

Jude Atemanke is a Cameroonian journalist with a passion for Catholic Church communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Buea in Cameroon. Currently, Jude serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.