
Let’s Participate in God’s Mission “no matter how hopeless the situation may be”: Catholic Archbishop to Nigerians

Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama of Nigeria’s Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja with catechumens who received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Credit: Abuja Archdiocese

We are called to participate in the promotion of God’s mission in our situations of life, whether these situations are easy of challenging, Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama of Nigeria’s Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja has said.

Archbishop Kaigama, who was presiding over Holy Mass at St. Kizito’s Kuje Church of his Metropolitan See on Sunday, July 14 reflected on the Readings of the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time and emphasized the need for Nigerians to rely on God, who he said provides for the needs of His creation.

“No matter how hopeless the situation may be, God is still calling us like Prophet Amos, to participate in His mission, by using our gifts and talents to serve others, to be vessels of His mercy and instruments of His peace in families, communities, and everywhere, trusting that God will provide for our needs,” he said in his July 14 homily.

Archbishop Kaigama called upon faith-based leaders to draw inspiration from the Prophet Amos amid “multiple challenges”.

“As we reflect on these readings, we preachers must ask the Lord, to be like Prophet Amos, and to trust that God will equip us in the present situation of multiple challenges to have the courage to stand firm in our faith, even in the face of opposition and rejection,” he said.


“We are called to rely on Divine providence, even in the midst of poverty, hunger, and insecurity,” the Nigerian Catholic Archbishop appealed. 

He continued, “We are called to step out in faith, knowing that God will provide for our needs.”

“The apostles' mission was urgent and vital, and so is ours,” Archbishop Kaigama said, referring to the Gospel Reading and added, “We are called to preach the Gospel, heal the broken-hearted, and bring freedom to those in bondage.”

He expressed his awareness of the challenges the people of God in Nigeria are facing, saying that many are “groaning in despicable poverty.”

“The psalmist’s plea for God's kindness and salvation echoes our need for divine assistance in Nigeria today, knowing that His kindness and mercy will serve as a therapy for our woes,” the Local Ordinary of Abuja since November 2019 said. 

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He appealed for the spirit of generosity and sharing that considers the needs of the marginalized, saying, “If every Nigerian approaches wealth in this way, our nation will undoubtedly be a better place. However, when people cling to their wealth, allowing greed and self-centeredness to dominate, the result is perpetuated poverty and ongoing suffering,”

Referring to Jesus’ temporary commissioning of the 12 Apostles with instructions to travel light, the Nigerian Catholic Archbishop posed, “In a country where poverty and social deprivation reign everywhere, how are we to interpret Jesus’ command to go without money or food, with only sandals, staff, and a single garment?”

“Today’s Gospel reminds Christians and indeed all Nigerians, that corruption can drastically reduce if we learn to live simply, not one person acquiring greedily, more than he or she can ever finish in his/her lifetime,” the Catholic Church leader, who started his Episcopal Ministry in April 1995 as Bishop of Nigeria’s Catholic Diocese of Jalingo said July 14.

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