
“Be concerned about the people of God”: Catholic Bishop to Newly Ordained Priest in Cape Verde

Credit: Catholic Diocese of Santiago

Catholic Priests are expected to be preoccupied with the people of God under their pastoral care, paying keen attention to what God wants of them in their respective missions, Bishop Teodoro Mendes Tavares has said.

In his July 14 homily during the Priestly Ordination of Deacon João Michael Moreira at Sacred Heart Parish of Cape Verde’s Catholic Diocese of Santiago, Bishop Mendes emphasized the need for Priests to speak for God.

“The Priest must be a prophet,” he said, and clarifying the meaning of a prophet added, a Priest “doesn't have to be someone who has to predict the future; a prophet is not a kind of sorcerer, a prophet is God's spokesman and mouthpiece.”

A Priest, the Cape Verdean-born Local Ordinary of the Catholic Diocese of Ponta de Pedras in Brazil went on to say, is “a person chosen and sent by God.”

Therefore, he continued, a Priest should not allow himself to be “manipulated by any kind of power; and he doesn't have to let himself be influenced by particular interests.”


“As a prophet, the Priest be concerned about the people of God; he has to be true and faithful to God and the message,” Bishop Mendes emphasized, adding, “That's why he encounters difficulties; but he has to stand firm.”

He told the member of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin (OFM Cap.) he was to ordain Priest to follow in the footsteps of his patron Saint, St. Francis of Assisi.

“St. Francis of Assisi was the first prophet; he is considered the most popular saint of the first millennium, a beloved patrimony of the world, not only of the Church but of humanity, father of ecology, universal brother, the Great St. Francis of Assisi,” the Cape Verdean member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans/CSSp) said.

He added, “What a grace for you to be a Capuchin, to have St. Francis of Assisi as your patron Saint, an inescapable figure, certainly worth remembering here, and one you can draw inspiration from.”

The 60-year-old Catholic Bishop called upon Deacon Moreira to take note of the mission of Priests. He said, “The Priest has the mission of sanctifying and the task of guiding the people of God, above all by celebrating Divine Worship and feeding the people of God with the Eucharist.”

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“The Priestly ministry demands holiness,” he further said, and added, “To be holy, the Priest needs to celebrate the Eucharist, celebrating with faith, piety, love, effort, and dignity.”

Bishop Mendes continued, “The Church, the Eucharist, and the Priest are inseparable, and go hand in hand with Priestly holiness and charity.”

“There is no Eucharist without a Priest; there must be a Priest to celebrate the Eucharist. But to be holy, the Priest must also have a Eucharistic life, so unite yourself ever more closely to Jesus Christ, the High and Eternal Priest,” he explained. 

Bishop Mendes continued, “While it is true that the Sacrament gives the grace to the Priest, he must also remember that this does not necessarily mean that the Priest is a superman free of errors and even of sins and faults, which is why we must commit to pray for Priests.”

In his maiden speech as Priest, Fr. Moreira expressed his “profound gratitude” to God for receiving the grace of the Priesthood.


“I feel very grateful that He has welcomed me to serve His people,” he said.

This divine calling, Fr. Moreira said, “represents, above all, a gift of God, because it is God who gives us this grace to be Priests for the Church and His people.” 

“It's a very big responsibility, because caring for your people, your flock, requires a lot of availability and total commitment. That's why I'm happy to make this contribution,” the newly ordained OFM Cap. Priest said during the July 14 ordination celebration.

He added, “As my motto says, I am among you as one who serves. So, my ministry will be summed up in that, in service to the people of God.”

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.