
In Newly Launched Book, Catholic Priest in Cape Verde Shares Insights into God’s Wisdom

Fr. José Eduardo Afonso. Credit: Diocese of Santiago

Readers of a newly launched book are to gain insights into God’s wisdom and power, the author of the book has said.

Fr. José Eduardo Afonso, a native of Cape Verde, is the author of “The God We Don't Possess”, a 254-page book that he launched on Wednesday, July 17.

“The book is the result of a rhetorical-literary and exegetical-theological investigation of the 1st Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 1:18, 2:5,” Fr. Afonso said during the July 17 event.

He added, “Paul tells his countrymen that the God of Jesus Christ, the God revealed in the word of the Cross, is infinitely greater than all the attempts to imprison and conceptualize God within human schemes.”

The Rector of the Catholic University School of Cape Verde (EUCatólica) said that unlike his countrymen, who were attempted to “decipher the enigma of life, death, and salvation” through “intellectual power”, Paul emphasized revelation.


“It is from this perspective that I try to warn readers to be attentive and not to fall into this trap of thinking that from our intellectual capacity, it is possible to fully understand this God who reveals himself in the person of Jesus Christ,” Fr. Afonso, who coordinates the National Commission for Catholic Moral and Religious Education in Schools said during the event that was held at the EUCatólica campus.

He continued, “Naturally, when I thought about publishing this work, my thoughts were essentially with all Christians, those in Cape Verde, and throughout the world in general. I think it's a work that anyone can read, even agnostics.”

Fr. Afonso also said that he was working on a second book. “I already have some work done. The publisher of this first book has shown interest in working on my second book...maybe in the middle of next year, we'll have the second book,” the Parish Priest of St. Joseph Tira Chapéu Parish of Cape Verde’s Santiago Diocese said.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.