
Catholic Bishop in Tanzania Urges Face-to-Face Communication in Families, Cautions Spouses against Digital Obsession

Bishop Henry Mchamungu. Credit: Radio Maria Tanzania

Face-to-face interactions among spouses and other family members can be a pillar a happy marriage, Bishop Henry Mchamungu, one of the two Auxiliary Bishops of Tanzania’s Catholic Archdiocese of Dar-es-Salaam has said.

In his homily while presiding over the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony between Alex Ngeleja of Radio Maria Tanzania and Bertha Nguma at Epiphany Kijichi Parish of Dar-es-Salaam Archdiocese, Bishop Mchamungu cautioned spouses against digital obsession that he said hinders interpersonal communication in families.

“Nowadays, everyone is busy with communication devices; people are at home, the mother and children are there, but there is silence because everyone is busy on their phone, no one is talking to the other; everyone is chatting, but there is no conversation,” he lamented during the July 20 celebration.

Such lack of face-to-face communication, the Tanzanian Catholic Bishop said, “can destroy a marriage.”

He emphasized the need for family members, who get together in person to put aside digital gadgets aside and get to “sit together, enjoy together, and use that time to talk.”


“Phones have destroyed marriages; people have no peace in their marriage, especially when everyone is busy with their phone or laptop, causing marital problems,” Bishop Mchamungu lamented, and continued, “A person has no time for their spouse, but has time for their phone, no conversation.”

He underscored the need to foster face-to-face interactions among spouses and other family members, saying, “We need to be people, who communicate, check on each other, talk about your issues together, and plan your life together.”

The Tanzanian Catholic Church leader, who started his Episcopal Ministry in September 2021, urged married couples to have their relationship with God as their highest priority. 

“With God by your side, your life will be good, and you will live your marriage happily and peacefully,” he said, adding that even when challenges arise in marriage, “you gain the strength to bear them; but if you have put God aside, when challenges arise, they cause turmoil and things get worse.”

Bishop Mchamungu also emphasized the need for spouses to keep their respective marital and parental responsibilities, noting that marriage is a vocation that should lead people to heaven.

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“God gives you a certain vocation so that through it you can reach heaven. My dear brothers and sisters, Christian marriage is indeed a vocation,” he said, and added, “When a man and a woman marry, they live their marriage vocation to eventually reach heaven.”

“Married couples should help each other to reach heaven,” the Catholic Bishop emphasized during the July 20 celebration.

The responsibility of raising up children, who are gifts from God, in proper way is “a crucial duty” for parents and guardians, the 59-year-old Catholic Church leader said, adding that children avoiding being at home can be an indication that parents “have failed in their duties”.

“Parents have the responsibility to raise their children well in faith so that they grow up to lead you to heaven. If you care for them well and give them proper upbringing, God will reward you,” Bishop Mchamungu said.

He added, “Marriage exists so that a man and a woman, when they are together, can complete each other, improve their lives, have children, and raise them up.”


Nicholas Waigwa contributed to the writing of this story

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