
Amid “political intolerance” in Angola, Catholic Bishop Urges Unity among Christians

Bishop Vicente Sanombo of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Kwito-Bié. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Bishop Vicente Sanombo of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Kwito-Bié has called on Christians to foster unity in their diversity amid differences based on political affiliations, sometimes resulting in violent confrontations in the country.

There are frequent cases of political intolerance among supporters of Angola’s ruling party, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), and the largest opposition party, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).

On June 3, MPLA spokesperson, Esteves Hilário, decried cases of “political intolerance” in the Southern African nation, and described the practice as “anti-democratic”, Ver Angola reported. Esteves said that political opponents “are not enemies.”

Earlier, in April, at least nine people were reportedly injured following an attack on the convoy of UNITA’s parliamentary group in the province of Cuando Cubango. In a statement, UNITA said that the caravan was the target of an attack perpetrated by militias from the ruling party.

In his address to Christians at the start of his first pastoral visit since his Episcopal Consecration on June 23, Bishop Sanombo, who was installed Local Ordinary of Kwito-Bié on July 14 expressed concern about political intolerance that involves Christians.


“The Church weeps when there are cases of political intolerance that end in violence and division,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop said at the Tuesday, July 23 event at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Katemo Parish of his Episcopal See. 

He recognized the place of politics in society and cautioned against divisions on the basis of political affiliation. Politics, he said, “is not just for a particular group. We are all responsible for the political welfare of our country.”

“Dialogue with our brothers and sisters of other political parties must be regular so that there is never any violence based on our political affiliations,” Bishop Sanombo said.

He emphasized the non-partisan nature of the Church, and added, “We are brothers and political parties only serve to help us progress, to build a healthy, prosperous society, united in diversity,”

The Angolan Catholic Bishop decried divisions among Christians on the basis of political affiliation and emphasized unity. He said, “As Christians, we must never get carried away by these prejudices, nor by a backward mentality, nor by any kind of separation or division” 

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“You can't hate anyone because they belong to another political party,” Bishop Sanombo reiterated. He invited the people to be “seeds of unity, peace, concord, and love in society.”

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.