
Catholic Youth Jubilee Year an Opportunity for “friendship, peace, brotherhood”: President of Cape Verde

The President of Cape Verde, José Maria Pereira Neves, has described the planned National Jubilee Year of Catholic Youths scheduled for August 4 -12 as an opportunity for the people of God in the Archipelago and island country of West Africa in the central Atlantic Ocean to solidify their togetherness.

In a message issued Wednesday, July 31, President Neves encourages active participation of young people in the event.

“It's time for all the young people on the island and in the diaspora to take part in these great days of friendship, peace, and brotherhood,” the Cape Verdean head of state says, and adds, “I invite all young people to participate in this great event for this jubilee is an important step towards our country’s development.”

The President acknowledges with appreciation the contributions of youth in nation-building, saying, “The young people of Cape Verde and all of us together are building a much better Cape Verde, a country of freedom and human dignity.”

The head of state invites the youth to work “hand in hand for a much better Cape Verde that leaves no one behind.”


The August 4-112 celebration is part of activities marking the celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Catholic Diocese of Santiago and the celebration of the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year.

On July 29, Bishop Ildo Augusto dos Santos Lopes Fortes of the Catholic Diocese of Mindelo in Cape Verde encouraged active participation of young people during the event.

Members of the organizing committee of the August 4-12 event are in the final phase of preparations.

Earlier, in an interview with Rádio Nova de Maria in Cape Verde that was reported on July 3, Deacon Daniel Vaz who assists at the Diocesan Youth Secretariat of Cape Verde’s Catholic Diocese of Santiago said expectations were high owing to the fact that “a large number of young people from all over the world are expected since Cape Verdeans are spread across the globe.”

The program is to begin in Santiago Norte on August 4 with welcoming participants, the Cape Verdean permanent Deacon said. On August 8, participants will be led to the city of Praia where host families will receive the youths, then later reconvene at around 3 p.m. to “make their way with great joy to the Pope's Cross,” the Cape Verdean permanent Deacon said.

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At Pope’s Cross, Arlindo Cardinal Gomes Furtado is to preside over the opening Eucharistic celebration of the final week of the Jubilee Year “in the town of Quebra Canela, which for us is a historic site,” Deacon Vaz said in the interview reported on July 3.  

The Holy Mass is to be followed by “a great festival that the youth will enjoy,” the Catholic youth official said.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.