
Rector of St. Francis de Sales Major Seminary in Madagascar Appointed Bishop of Ambatondrazaka Diocese

Mons. Orthasie Marcellin Herivonjilalaina, appointed Bishop for the Catholic Diocese of Ambatondrazaka in Madagascar on 14 August 2024

Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Orthasie Marcellin Herivonjilalaina who has been serving as the Rector of St. Francis de Sales Major Seminary, Toamasina, in Madagascar as the Bishop for the Catholic Diocese of Ambatondrazaka.

The appointment of Mons. Herivonjilalaina as Local Ordinary of the Malagasy Diocese that has been vacant since June 23 was made public on Wednesday, August 14 by the Holy See Press Office. The Catholic Diocese fell vacant when Archbishop Jean de Dieu Raoelison was transferred to Antananarivo Archdiocese.

Born in September 1979 in Morarano Chrome in the Diocese of Ambatondrazaka, Mons. Herivonjilalaina was ordained a Priest for the same Episcopal See in January 2006 after his philosophical and theological studies at St. Paul Major Seminary in the Catholic Diocese of Antsirabé and the St. Pius XI Major Seminary in Reggio Calabria respectively.

He has served as Curate of Santa Maria Maddalena in Campo Calabro, and Rector of the St. Peter Minor Seminary in Ambatondrazaka.

The holder of a licentiate in Theology from the Pio XI Theological Institute and a Master’s degree in Bioethics and Sexology in Messina, Italy also served as Curate of Santa Maria Regina in Matassino and San Miniato in Montanino.


Mons. Herivonjilalaina was a Theology Instructor at the St. John Mary Vianney Major Seminary in Moramanga; and since 2021, Rector and Prefect of Studies at the St. Francis de Sales Major Seminary in Toamasina.

When ordained a Bishop, Mons. Herivonjilalaina is expected to serve as the fourth Local Ordinary of the Malagasy Diocese that was erected in May 1959.

It is part of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Toamasina and has a population of 518,544 Catholics, according to 2022 statistics.

Jude Atemanke is a Cameroonian journalist with a passion for Catholic Church communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Buea in Cameroon. Currently, Jude serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.