
National Eucharistic Congress in Madagascar Ends with Call to “evangelize our cultures”

The National Eucharist Congress (KEN 2024) in Madagascar, the third in the country, has ended with a call to focus attention on the evangelization of the various cultures of the Indian Ocean Island nation, requiring that Christian values are integrated in every aspect of Malagasy life.

In his homily during the concluding Mass of the August 23-25 event, Désiré Cardinal Tsarahazana underscored the importance of the Eucharist in the life of the Church. 

“We must evangelize our culture to make fraternity a reality,” Cardinal Tsarahazana said during the Sunday, August 25 Eucharistic celebration at Kianjasoa stadium in the Catholic Archdiocese of Antsiranana.

He added, “Evangelizing our culture means not only rejecting what is wrong but also uplifting and sanctifying what is good. Our rich traditions can and should reflect the light of the Gospel.”

The Local Ordinary of Madagascar’s Catholic Archdiocese of Toamasina cautioned against the practice of social discrimination, ethnic divisions, and traditional customs that he said contradict Christian values.


“We talk about Fiavana, the Malagasy concept of fraternity, but if we are not fair, it’s all hypocrisy,” the 70-year-old Malagasy Cardinal, who started his Episcopal Ministry as Bishop of Madagascar’s Catholic Diocese of Fenoarivo Atsinanana said.

He added, “We do not accept a child for burial, even if that child is among the closest family members, simply because he is of a different blood. This is a violation of the very Fiavana we claim to uphold.”

“In the past, twins were considered unlucky, and they were often killed. Now, some still give them away because of superstitions. This is why we must evangelize our culture to ensure that true Fiavana, true fraternity can flourish,” Cardinal Tsarahazana said.

He implored, “We pray that the spirit of true fraternity, inspired by the Eucharist, may guide our actions and transform our society.”

Organized under the theme, “Fraternity to Heal the World: You are all brothers and sisters (Mt 23:8),” the August 23-25 Eucharistic Congress aimed to restore the value of fraternity among the people of God in the Indian Ocean Island nation. 

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In the August 25 homily, Cardinal Tsarahazana emphasized the transformative power of the Eucharist, describing it as the “path of prayer and the cornerstone of Christian life.”

“The Eucharist is not just a ritual; it is the very heart of our Christian prayer, the path that leads us closer to Christ,” he said.

The Catholic Church leader continued, “We have been challenged to look at our own lives and ask whether we are truly living out the Gospel in our daily interactions. It’s a call to action.”

He said that the Eucharistic Congress had given participants “the strength to confront difficult issues and the hope that our culture can be fully evangelized.”

“The Eucharist is not just a Sacrament to be celebrated but a call to transform the world, starting with one’s own culture and community,” Cardinal Tsarahazana said.


Earlier, ahead of the August 23-25 Eucharistic Congress, KEN 2024, Pope Francis extended his prayers and fraternal greetings to all the participants.

“May this Eucharistic Congress help each and every one of you to foster feelings of charity and solidarity towards everyone, and especially towards those in difficulty, for whom the path of life becomes more difficult every day,” Pope Francis said in his message read out during the August 23 opening Mass of KEN 2024.

On his part, the Local Ordinary of Antsiranana, Archbishop Benjamin Marc Balthason Ramaroson, underscored the need for spiritual renewal and highlighted the role of the Eucharistic Congress in achieving fraternity in Madagascar as important.

Jude Atemanke is a Cameroonian journalist with a passion for Catholic Church communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Buea in Cameroon. Currently, Jude serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.