
Catholic Bishop in South Sudan Lauds Education Minister for “tireless dedication in advancing education”

Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY) in South Sudan has lauded the country’s Minister of General Education and Instruction for her “tireless dedication in advancing education” across the East-Central African nation.

In a congratulatory letter dated August 26 addressed to Hon. Awut Deng Acuil, Bishop Hiiboro expresses his “deep admiration” for the South Sudanese government official for fostering the educational development of South Sudan.

“I write to you today with deep admiration and respect, extending my heartfelt congratulations for your tireless dedication and leadership in advancing education across South Sudan,” he says in the letter shared with ACI Africa on Thursday, August 29.

The South Sudanese Catholic Church leader highlights Hon. Deng Acuil’s address in May to the country’s children, particularly during the declaration of the results of the last national examination terming it as not only “timely” but also a “testament” to her “unwavering commitment” to nurturing the minds that will shape the country's future.

Her message, which urged the youth to “reject dishonest practices and embrace their full potential as future leaders, was both timely and crucial,” he says.


“You have rightly highlighted that the true strength of our nation lies in the education of our young minds," Bishop Hiiboro says about South Sudan’s Minister of General Education and Instruction.

Hon. Deng Acuil has worked towards ensuring that children and youth across South Sudan receive the quality education they deserve, preparing them to contribute meaningfully to the nation's future, the South Sudanese Catholic Bishop, who serves as the President of the Integral Human Development Commission of the Sudan/South Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC) says in his one-page letter.

For Bishop Hiiboro, any opposition to the Minister's initiatives is a hindrance to the nation's progress. He assures Hon. Deng Acuil of the full support of the Church and the broader community in her mission to educate and empower the youth of the world’s youngest and newest nation that gained independence from Sudan in July 2011.

“We stand with you, confident that through your leadership, the youth of South Sudan will rise to meet the challenges of tomorrow, equipped with the knowledge and values that only a good education can provide,” he says.

He implores, “May God continue to bless you, Hon. Awut Deng, in your noble work, and may His guidance be with you as you lead our nation’s educational endeavours.”

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In the one-page congratulatory letter, Bishop Hiiboro also urges the people of God in South Sudan to “recognize that the future of the country is at stake” and that education is “the key to securing that future.”

Silas Mwale Isenjia is a Kenyan journalist with a great zeal and interest for Catholic Church related communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communication from Moi University in Kenya. Silas has vast experience in the Media production industry. He currently works as a Journalist for ACI Africa.