
Catechists in Angola Urged to Teach Catechumens “the truth with patience, depth”

Fr. Adelino Calonda during the opening Mass of the 2024/2025 Catechetical n Angola's Luanda Archdiocese. Credit: ACI Africa

Catechists are required to patiently teach catechumens the doctrine of the Church and to do so with “depth,” the Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Care in Angola’s Catholic Archdiocese of Luanda has said.

In his homily during the opening Mass of the 2024/2025 Catechetical Year, Fr. Adelino Calonda called on the over 3,000 Catechists enrolled in the program to live the Gospel message, integrating it in their daily lives.

“The first and most important Gospel that catechumens read is the life of the Catechists themselves,” Fr. Calonda said during the September 8 Eucharistic celebration at St. Paul Parish of Luanda Archdiocese.

Fr. Adelino Calonda. Credit: ACI Africa

He added, “Today's catechumens have countless doubts, and we need to respond to them wisely, bearing witness with our own lives to the truth we teach.”


“We should not rush to answer the questions just to show knowledge, but rather teach the truth with patience and depth,” the Angola Catholic Priest emphasized. 

Credit: ACI Africa

He continued, “A good Catechist is one who always listens: he listens to the Church, to the pronouncements of the Holy Father and the Magisterium of the Church, and then proclaims the truth effectively.” 

Fr. Calonda also emphasized the need for Catechists to be equipped with relevant studies that can aid their grasping of the doctrine of the Church and warned, “Anyone who doesn't study the documents of the Church or doesn't know her tradition will get lost in the many tasks that drown us.”

Credit: ACI Africa

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The Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Care further said, “A good Catechist listens to the Church and proclaims the truth effectively.”

“Catechists who don't study the Church's documents or don't know the tradition can get lost in the midst of the many tasks,” Fr. Calonda reiterated.

Credit: ACI Africa

He encouraged Catechists to participate in Holy Mass, saying, “Participation in the Eucharistic celebrations is essential to inspire enthusiasm and faith in the Catechists”. 

The Angolan Catholic Priest expressed his awareness of challenges Catechists face and urged them to be “strong so as not to be shaken by difficulties and to look at the same difficulties that Jesus faced in his mission.”


Credit: ACI Africa

“Beloved of God, as you carry out this noble mission, I entrust you to the arms of Mary. May she be your model and daily inspiration in the search for proclamation and the exercise of the mission entrusted to you,” Fr. Calonda implored.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.