
“We are called to evangelize”: Catholic Archbishop-elect in Ivory Coast Ahead of Installation

Bishop Jacques Assanvo Ahiwa

The Archbishop-elect of the Catholic Archdiocese of Bouaké in Ivory Coast has emphasized the need for humility and promoting evangelization ahead of his installation scheduled for September 14.

In a Monday, September 9 interview with ACI Africa, Bishop Jacques Assanvo Ahiwa, who was appointed Local Ordinary of Bouaké on July 25 said, “The office of Archbishop is a burden that must be accepted with great humility.”

“We are called to evangelize. Evangelization is a broad field. It embraces many realities,” the Archbishop-elect said.

He added, “There are the pastoral plans we put in place, the means we need to find for evangelization; we need to accentuate the challenges of evangelization by bringing the faithful closer to places of worship through the creation of new parishes.”

The Archbishop-elect spoke of the importance of formation, the direct proclamation of the Gospel, and the celebration of sacraments.


“This work of formation is done with patience and perseverance because it’s about touching hearts, it’s about touching man in his depth, in his deepest being,” he said.

Bishop Ahiwa also acknowledged the role of African tradition in evangelization, noting that the intersection of Christianity and African heritage requires discernment. 

“We are Africans; we came with our past, the heritage of our parents, and we encounter Christianity. There are things that have to fall,” he said.

He described the ongoing dialogue between African traditions and the Gospel message as a “difficult job,” but one that is essential for transformative faith.

The Archbishop-elect shared his thoughts on the significance of his upcoming role, acknowledging human limitations. 

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“We have many limits as men, but if God calls us, He provides the support we need to fulfill His mission,” he said. 

Bishop Ahiwa reassured the faithful that, despite his own limitations, God would enable him to carry out His message to the people of Bouaké. 

“I know my limitations, but if God has called me to this service, He will know how to find the element on which to lean to deliver the message He has for the people He is sending me to,” he said.

The 55-year-old Archbishop-elect who is a Clergy of the Catholic Diocese of Grand-Bassam was ordained a Priest in December 1997 after completing his Priestly formation from the Major Seminary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Anyama.

As a Priest, he served in various capacities, including Parish Vicar of San François Xavier, Aboisso; Secretary General of the Diocese of Grand-Bassam and Diocesan Director of PMS.


The holder of Master’s degree in Biblical Theology from the Catholic University of West Africa and a Doctorate in Biblical Theology from the University of Strasbourg in France served as Vicar General of Grand Bassam Diocese.

In October 2020, he was Consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of Bouaké Archdiocese following his May 2020 appointment; he was assigned the Titular See of Elefantaria in Mauritania.

The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bouake was erected as a Prefecture Apostolic in May 1951, before it was elevated to a Diocese in September 1955. In December 1994, Pope St. John Paul II elevated it to an Archdiocese, with three Suffragan Dioceses: Abengourou, Bondoukou, and Yamoussoukro.

Measuring 20,000 square kilometers and with a 17.6 percent Catholic population, according to 2022 statistics, Bouaké Archdiocese is under the patronage of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus.

Justin Assalé contributed to the writing of this story

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