
Annual Pilgrimage to Subukia Marian Shrine “the heart of our parish culture”: Kenya’s Oldest Inland Parish Pilgrims

Annual pilgrimage to Subukia National Marian Shrine of parishioners of St. Austin’s Msongari Parish of Kenya’s Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi. Credit: ACI Africa

The annual pilgrimage to Subukia National Marian Shrine that parishioners of St. Austin’s Msongari Parish of Kenya’s Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi have undertaken since 2016 is an enriching journey that has become a “tradition”, pilgrims have told ACI Africa. 

Faith Nyambura Maina who was among the over 500 pilgrims during this year’s pilgrimage organized under the theme, “Journeying Together in Integrity as a Family of God,” said that the annual spiritual initiative is “at the heart of our parish culture”.

Faith Nyambura Maina, Secretary of St. Austin’s Msongari Parish and member of the Catholic Women. Credit: ACI Africa

The pilgrimage does “not only provide spiritual nourishment but also opportunities to bond and get to know one another in ways we hadn’t before,” the result being “a close-knit community” of parishioners, Ms. Nyambura told ACI Africa on September 28 at the Subukia Marian Shrine in Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Nakuru.

She went on the share about the activities of the day at the National Marian Shrine, saying, “Typically, our pilgrimage program includes a talk aligned with the theme, followed by Mass, the Way of the Cross, and then a journey up the mountain.”


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“This tradition is something we are eager to maintain, as it nurtures not only the spiritual well-being of our parishioners but also their physical and social well-being,” the member of the Catholic Women Association (CWA) said, and added, “We aim to be realistic Christians, not fanatical while acknowledging the importance of tradition.”

The Secretary of St. Austin’s Msongari Parish continued, “A balance between maintaining tradition and embracing change has been a guiding principle for St. Austin’s (Msongari Parish), particularly in efforts to engage younger generations. Our goal is to balance tradition with transformation.”

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Ms. Nyambura said she has experienced transformation as a two-year pilgrim to Subukia National Marian Shrine, including new ways of understanding life experiences.

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“I prayed for my daughter to speak, but I’ve come to understand that God’s plan is different,” the mother of five told ACI Africa about her autistic daughter, adding that the pilgrimages have enkindled in her patience and gratitude in life's small milestones.

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In another interview, Tom Wekesa, who has participated in the pilgrimages since the beginning told ACI Africa, “Since my first visit in 2016, I have witnessed a significant transformation in my spiritual life.”

Tom Wekesa, the secretary of St. Austin’s Catholic Men’s Association (CMA). Credit: ACI Africa

“At that time, I was working in an environment I wasn’t comfortable with, but in 2017, I found a much better job, and I’m still there today. I thank God for these many blessings,” the Secretary of the Catholic Men Association (CMA) of St. Austin’s Msongari Parish recounted.


For this year’s pilgrimage, Tom said, he had prayer intentions for peace in his family and for his daughter about to join the college about whom he said, “I am so grateful for this milestone in her life.”

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This Parish has received many graces since the pilgrimage to Subukia National Marian Shrine was initiated, Tom said, and encouraged other Catholic Parishes and church communities in Kenya to consider the spiritual initiative in their annual programs. 

He encouraged parents and guardians to motivate their children to participate in pilgrimages.

“Although there are some students here, I believe many young people have not yet embraced this kind of pilgrimage. I want to encourage parents to guide their children to follow in our footsteps and join us on this spiritual journey,” Tom told ACI Africa on September 28.

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Credit: ACI Africa

Also speaking to ACI Africa at Subukia National Marian Shrine, the youth Moderator at St. Austin’s Msongari Parish expressed optimism about young people as pilgrims. 

“We expect even more youth to join in future pilgrimages, and we are already implementing youth programs to ensure that happens,” Stanislaus Muendi said. 

Stanislaus Mwendi, the youth moderator at St. Austin’s Parish. Credit: ACI Africa

Referring to the theme, “Journeying Together in Integrity as a Family of God,” Stanislaus said 50 youths were participating in the 2024 pilgrimage as part of the Parish family in prayer. 

He recognized the annual participation of youths, saying, “The fact that they keep returning year after year shows that they are gaining something from this pilgrimage.”

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The official of the youths told ACI Africa he had gratitude for good health as his prayer intention. “I can’t remember the last time I needed to visit a hospital for any medication, and I consider that a great blessing,” he said.

On his part, the Parish Priest of St. Austin’s Msongari said the Parish theme for the 2024 pilgrimage to Subukia National Marian Shrine aligns with that of National Prayer Day at the same Shrine, the latter to be realized on Saturday, October 5 under the theme, “journeying together in integrity as a family of God”.

Credit: ACI Africa

These pilgrimage themes draw inspiration from the Synod on Synodality, Fr. George Omondi said about the multi-year meeting in Rome, which Pope Francis extended to 2024, with the first phase, 4-29 October 2023, having concluded with a 42-page summary report and the second scheduled for 2-29 October 2024.

Fr. George Omondi, the parish Priest of St. Austin’s. Credit: ACI Africa

The Synod on Synodality is being realized under the theme, “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission”. 

 “As a family of God, we come together to pray, not just for ourselves as individuals, but for the success and well-being of the community of believers,” Fr. Omondi told ACI Africa. 

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The “success and well-being” of the Parishioners of St. Austin’s Msongari Parish is important as the Parish marks 125 years since its establishment, the Kenyan member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.) said about Kenya’s oldest inland Catholic Parish.

He emphasized the need for the Parishioners to embrace the family spirit, members contributing their unique gifts towards a common goal of being worthy disciples and serving the Lord after His example and at His command. 

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Fr. Omondi expressed his awareness of challenges at various levels of the Kenyan society, saying, “That’s why we come to this village of Mary, trusting that our Mother Mary will intercede for us on this journey.”

Over the years, he said, the pilgrimage to Subukia National Marian Shrine that parishioners of St. Austin’s Msongari Parish have undertaken has fostered togetherness, bringing people from all backgrounds together in faith, he told ACI Africa on September 28. 

Credit: ACI Africa

The community has embraced this spirit of unity,” the Spiritan Priest added. 

Last year, some pilgrims, who were part of the National Prayer Day shared with ACI Africa stories of conversion and healing at Subukia National Marian Shrine.

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