
Stop the Scandal, Bishops in Nigeria Tell Priests Venturing in Partisan Politics, Outline Serious Penal Measures

Members of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN). Credit: CBCN

Catholic Priests in Nigeria who are found participating in partisan politics or taking any political office will be suspended, Bishops in the West African country have said.

In a statement issued on October 1, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) notes that involvement of some Catholic Priests in partisan politics violates Church law and scandalizes the faithful.

The Bishops also lament that some Priests in the West African nation are venturing into political offices without proper authorization from ecclesiastical authorities.

“Over the years, some Priests in Nigeria, without the requisite authorization from the competent ecclesiastical authority, have actively ventured into partisan politics or the exercise of public office,” the Bishops say in the statement dated Tuesday, October 1.

They add, “This situation has not only contravened the universal laws of the Church…but has also scandalized a vast majority of Christ’s faithful in the country.”


The Bishops outline several penal measures applicable in cases where priests engage in partisan politics.

According to the CBCN members, “A cleric who is culpable of violating the prohibitions established by Canon 285 §3 and Canon 287 §2, notwithstanding the appeals and two canonical warnings of his proper Ordinary (cf. Canon 1339 §1), and who has given no sign of reform, must be suspended from every exercise of the power of orders and of governance (cf. Canon 1333) for an appropriate period.”

This suspension, the Catholic Bishops in Nigeria say, includes the possibility of being subjected to further canonical sanctions, such as the requirement to “reside in a designated place or territory” as per the Canon law.

The Bishops further clarify that the situation escalates if a Priest persists in disobedience. “If the cleric persists, he also incurs the delict of disobedience to ecclesiastical authority according to the norm of Canon 1371 §1,” CBCN members warn.

In such cases, they say, the Bishop has the authority to request the Dicastery for Evangelisation to apply the ultimate penalty, ‘dismissal in poenam’ from the clerical state, a decision they say is made possible by “the faculties” that the Holy Father grants.

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In the statement, the CBCN members remind the Religious that the rules apply to them as well.

“It is important to note that, in accordance with Canon 672, the prohibitions established in Canon 285 §3 and Canon 287 §2 apply equally to Religious," the Catholic Bishops in Africa's most populous nation say in the October 1 statement.

The Bishops urge Major Superiors of Religious Institutes in the West African nation to “take note of these canonical provisions and ensure their diligent application within their respective jurisdictions.”

The Bishops reiterate the Church's firm stance against members of the Clergy engaging in partisan politics or holding public office without proper ecclesiastical authorization, calling it “a matter of utmost gravity.”

They urge all Priests and Religious to adhere strictly to these canonical laws and to fulfill their “sacred duties with fidelity and devotion.”


Silas Mwale Isenjia is a Kenyan journalist with a great zeal and interest for Catholic Church related communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communication from Moi University in Kenya. Silas has vast experience in the Media production industry. He currently works as a Journalist for ACI Africa.