
Couples, Families on Pilgrimage Share Testimonies of Strengthened Bonds, Inner Healing at Kenya’s National Marian Shrine

National Prayer Day at Subukia National Marian Shrine in the Diocese of Nakuru. Credit: ACI Africa

The “Village of Mary”, as the Subukia National Marian Shrine is fondly referred to, was a vast sea of blue on October 5. Over 50,000 pilgrims donning one of the colours associated with Mother Mary flooded the shrine in Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Nakuru to express their devotion for the Mother of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the great multitude, couples and families were a remarkable sight. On the sidelines of the main celebrations, they participated in other spiritual activities such as climbing the steep hill that is marked with the 15 Stations of the Cross, praying together at the Grotto chapel, or just sitting in meditative silence on the grass. Others could be seen walking from the miraculous spring site that is perched on the top of the hill, carrying jerricans of Holy water.

Some couples told ACI Africa that spending time at the shrine strengthened their love. Families shared that participating in pilgrimages such as the October 5 one gave them special blessings and protection against “the enemy who is out to destroy the family institution.”

Here are some of the testimonies that ACI Africa gathered.

Here, we get the protection of Mary, the biggest supporter of Christian marriages


Peter Nzioki and his wife Rita Munguyuko are active choir members from Kikambala Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa.

Peter Nzioki and his wife Rita Munguyuko at Subukia National Marian Shrine on Saturday, 5 October 2024. Credit: ACI Africa

Rita: I came here to pray for my marriage and my family – for the love between my husband and I to grow, and for our Children to grow in the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are living in challenging times as parents, where the attacks against the family and our children have increased.

Peter: It is our third pilgrimage to this place as a couple. We have always received special blessings whenever we attend a pilgrimage at this Village of Mary. There are many challenges we go through, just like any young couple, but we survive through the prayers of the Virgin Mary. We have presented to Mother Mary all the petitions we had as a couple and family, and we believe that God has heard us.

Rita’s advice to young Catholic couples: Always have the enthusiasm to be at places such as these (Shrines) because there is usually a special blessing given. Jesus and our Mother Mary are the biggest supporters of Christian marriages. When the enemy of marriage moves to attack the family, he should find you well protected. And it is places such as these that helps one to conquer the enemy. Many young families are falling apart because the devil, the enemy of marriage, has declared war on the marriage institution. The devil achieves his target the moment he breaks a marriage and a family. My advice is for young couples to hide in prayer.

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Peter: On the day of our marriage, the Priest gifted us a rosary, telling us that it would be our protection. He told us that we would grow together in love if we embraced the Rosary and expressed our love for Mother Mary always. We have never stopped praying the Rosary. And we use every opportunity available, including pilgrimages such as this one in Subukia, to express our love and deep devotion to Mother Mary. Families fail when they don’t pray. But when we pray as parents, we show our children the right way and ensure that they grow up as Christians who are rooted in faith.

A majority of pilgrims at Subukia National Marian shrine don blue, a colour that is associated with Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ Credit: ACI Africa

The Village of Mary planted a seed of faith in our family, 52 years ago

Loice Nyawira Kinyua and her husband Joseph Kinyua Murage from the Catholic Diocese of Murang’a have been married for 52 years. They participated in the October 5 pilgrimage with their granddaughter, Jacinta.

Loice Nyawira Kinyua and her husband Joseph Kinyua Murage from the Catholic Diocese of Murang’a have been married for 52 years. They attended the October 5 pilgrimage with their granddaughter, Jacinta. Credit: ACI Africa


Loice: We came from Kirinyaga county. We left home before sundown to get to this place in time. My husband and I have been married for 52 years and we love each other so deeply. Coming to this place has always been an enriching experience for us. We sometimes come as a couple, and other times as a family, together with our children to express our love for Mother Mary. Prayers at this place are what has kept our family united. That is why we never miss any opportunity to participate in pilgrimages that are held in this Village of Mary.

We have raised all our children as Catholics, and although they each went their way and became independent, their faith is still intact because of how we brought them up.

Today, we came to also pray for the health of my husband. He is suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. He has been experiencing so much pain. We have therefore come here to seek for strength from God to endure these challenging moments, and if He wills, to heal my husband through the powerful intercession of Mother Mary who has always met me at my deepest point of need throughout my life.

I started coming to this Village of Mary when there was only a simple, grass-thatched structure. There were no roads leading to this village, let alone tarmacked roads that we now have. I have seen a lot of development happen here, including the construction of a very big Church where thousands of pilgrims can comfortably sit.

My husband and I have always been inseparable when coming to this place. I always accompany him whenever the Catholic Men Association from our parish comes here. And he does the same, accompanying me when it is the turn for the Catholic Women Association to come.

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Young Catholic couples have numerous resources that can strengthen their marriages and help them build strong families. For a start, I advise them to join the Marriage Encounter group that is a great educational platform for couples. They should also come here to share their joys and sorrows with Mother Mary.

Thanking God for the gift of a child

Gideon Njoroge and Eunice Wairimu from the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru have been married for three years and were blessed with a child a few months ago.

Gideon Njoroge and Eunice Wairimu from Nakuru Diocese have been married for three years and were blessed with a child a few months ago. Credit: ACI Africa

Gideon: We came here to thank God for the many of His blessings in our life as a family, especially the gift of a child.

We have always come to this place ever since we became a couple, always walking for over 40 kilometers to this place. This is the only time we boarded a bus because we brought our child. But we always walk for a whole day, reflecting on our marriage before we arrive here.

Gideon’s advice to young Catholic couples: Put God first.

Eunice: God is all you need.

Mother Mary’s magnificent appearance set my heart on fire

Elizabeth Mutheu from the Catholic Diocese of Kisii brought her daughter who has “a problem” to experience the healing at the Village of Mary.

Elizabeth Mutheu from Kenya's Catholic Diocese of Kisii and her daughter overwhelmed by emotions at Subukia National Marian Shrine Credit: ACI Africa

My heart is burning. I can’t express what I am feeling. I had a similar feeling the last time I was here. That is why I brought this girl. She doesn’t understand many things but from her face, I can tell that Mother Mary is touching her in a special way. My daughter has a problem that I can’t talk about here. But I believe that her life will never be the same again after this special encounter with Our Lady.

Elizabeth doesn’t say much. Her voice is drowned out by claps, ululations, and songs in honor of Mother Mary. Many bear witness to a blinding light that cuts through the trees on top of the hill overlooking the main Church where tens of thousands of pilgrims are gathered and ready for Holy Mass. 

The rays flash at intervals, illuminating the small hill. What follows are numerous testimonies about the vision of “a blue form with white rays shining from her”.  The pilgrims give a similar account of what they see, believing that Mother Mary has visited them.

Elizabeth struggles to explain the sight which she says is the most magnificent thing she has ever witnessed. The brightness on her face, and that of her daughter who doesn’t seem to understand what is going on tell of how full their hearts are.

One choir member approaches and says, “I saw the light. It took away all the weight that was in my heart. I came here weighed down by many challenges, but I leave a very light person. I saw Mother Mary dressed in white and Blue.”

The testimonies point to the inspiration behind the characteristic blue theme of Marian pilgrimages at the Subukia National Marian Shrine in the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya.

Agnes Aineah is a Kenyan journalist with a background in digital and newspaper reporting. She holds a Master of Arts in Digital Journalism from the Aga Khan University, Graduate School of Media and Communications and a Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communications from Kenya's Moi University. Agnes currently serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.