
“We must find ways”: Catholic Bishop in Kenya on Need for Self-Reliance in Episcopal Sees

Credit: Radio Maria Kenya- Kisumu/St.James the Apostle Magadi Parish-Kisumu

The people of God in the Metropolitan Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu have to explore ways of realizing self-reliance, the Local Ordinary of one of the Suffragan Dioceses in the Kenyan Metropolitan See has said. 

Bishop Henry Juma Odonya of the Catholic Diocese of Kitale made the call on Friday, October 11 on the annual Family Day of Kisumu Archdiocese in Western Kenya.

“We must find ways for our Archdiocese to be independent with resources to support the Archbishop, Priests, and Religious men and women in their work,” Bishop Odonya said in his homily at Tumsifu Centre of Kisumu Archdiocese, the venue of the event that brought together Clergy, women and men Religious, and Laity in the Kenyan Metropolitan See, alongside representatives from the other Suffragan Dioceses comprising Bungoma, Eldoret, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kisii, and Lodwar. 

St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, the Patron Saint of the Archdiocese of Kisumu, can be a source of inspiration, he said, and highlighted the virtues of the French-born Saint that, he added, if espoused, can foster self-reliance in Episcopal Sees, including generosity, simplicity, and unwavering commitment to the common good.

Inspired by her virtuous life, Bishop Odonya said referring to the Saint, whose Feast Day is the first day of October, the people of God in Kisumu Archdiocese can reflect on how they can contribute to the realization of self-reliance.


The Catholic Church has dedicated the month of October to the Holy Rosary, a popular devotion during the month that starts off with the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus on October 1, has the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary marked on October 7, and World Mission Sunday (WMS) celebrated on the second last Sunday of October.

The month of October that finds inspiration in St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the Kenyan Catholic Bishop said, “challenges us to rise in missionary work, especially in Africa, in Kenya, and in this Archdiocese.”

“We must take steps now to establish projects that will support evangelization and ensure that the Clergy and Laity are equipped for their mission,” the Local Ordinary of Kitale Diocese since his Episcopal Consecration in January 2023 said.

He encouraged the people of God in Kisumu Archdiocese to support their Local Ordinary, Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba, to realize self-reliance.

The October 11 Family Day was the culmination of initiatives that are, since this year, starting off in Deaneries of the Kenyan Metropolitan See, the pioneer Deanery Family Day having been held in Ojolla Deanery at Our Lady of the Assumption Barkorwa Parish on June 1.

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Archbishop Muhatia used the Family Day celebration to read out his Decree of the official launch of the Centenary Jubilee Year celebrations of Kisumu Archdiocese, that was established in 1925 – to run from 11 October 2024 to 10 October 2025.

In his homily during the October 11 event, Bishop Odonya called upon the people of God in Kisumu Archdiocese to foster altruism as they work towards the self-reliance of their Metropolitan See. 

“These projects are for the future of the Archdiocese, and for the coming generations. Let us commit ourselves to making the Church self-reliant in matters of faith, so that we may grow closer to Christ through the Eucharist,” he said during the Family Day Eucharistic celebration that Bishop John Mbinda of the Diocese of Lodwar presided over.

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