
How St. Francis Movie Motivated Young Nigerian Girl to become Catholic Nun

Sr. Bibiana Ijeoma Okwaraku

A Catholic Nun in Nigeria has shared her journey to Religious Life, encouraging aspirants to embrace God’s call with humility.

In an interview with ACI Africa after taking her final vows on October 8, Sr. Bibiana Ijeoma Okwaraku revealed how she found inspiration to join religious life after she watched the movie of St. Francis of Assisi when she was still young.

“After watching the movie on St. Francis of Assisi, I felt that I wanted to live a life of simplicity and total dedication to Christ. The humility and devotion of St. Francis of Assisi deeply touched me,” Sr. Okwaraku told ACI Africa on Monday, October 14.

While the film sparked her interest in religious life, constant prayer sustained her throughout the process. 

“I used to say to myself, ‘I will become like that.’ That desire stayed with me as I attended daily Mass and grew closer to God,” she shared. 


Her journey to religious life began when her family moved to a home near a Catholic church. This proximity allowed her to participate in Church activities from a young age. 

“Growing up near a Catholic church, I was drawn to the nuns I saw attending Mass and working in the community, and I longed to be like them,” she said.

She shared that the daily interactions with Nuns, coupled with the deep spiritual environment, nurtured her calling. 

“I see the reverend sisters as people who are holy, and I was moved by their holiness,” she said.

The member of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver (MSSPC) underscored the importance of prayer in her journey. 

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Despite her early convictions, Sr. Okwaraku admitted that choosing a congregation was not easy.

“There are so many congregations in the country, and I wasn’t sure which one to choose,” she said. 

However, a friend introduced her to the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver, and from the moment she entered their community, she felt at home. 

“As soon as I entered, I told myself ‘this is my home. This is where God is calling me to be,’” she recounted, adding that she felt immense gratitude as she made her final vows, dedicating her life entirely to God and the Church.

MSSPC, founded in 1894 by Mary Theresa Ledóchowska, is known for its missionary and charitable work, particularly in education, healthcare, and spiritual guidance in underserved communities. 


Sr. Okwaraku believes this mission aligns with her personal calling, saying, “I believe this is where God wants me to be.”

Her path to making final vows, however, was not without challenges. Sr. Okwaraku faced opposition from her mother, who initially resisted the idea of her daughter becoming a nun. 

As the youngest and only girl in the family, her mother found it hard to accept her calling.

“At first, my mother refused because I was her last born and the only girl child in the family," she revealed. 

However, after a period of prayers and persuasion, her mother gave her blessings. 

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“She finally gave her blessings that I should go ahead and pursue my dream,” Sr. Okwaraku said, expressing gratitude for her mother's eventual support.

For those considering a religious vocation, the Nigerian Catholic Nun’s message is clear.

“Always look to God. No matter what challenges you face, God will give you strength. If you have a goal, stick to it and keep praying to God. It may take time, but in the end, you will arrive at it,” she said.

Sr. Okwaraku’s deep devotion to her faith has been nurtured through her regular participation in the Eucharist and her unwavering commitment to attending daily Mass. 

“Living close to the church, I never missed morning Mass. My devotion to our Mother Mary has helped me a lot in my journey,” she added.

Abah Anthony John is a Nigerian Journalist with great enthusiasm and interest for Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication from Benue State University, Makurdi, Benue State Nigeria. He has vast experience in Print,  Electronic and Multi-Media Production.