
“Live your faith with dignity”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Christians

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has urged Christians to live their faith with dignity, avoiding actions that go against Church principles, even in difficult times.

In his homily during Mass at St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish of his Episcopal See on October 13, Bishop Camuto emphasized the importance of placing the Holy Scriptures at the center of life for guidance and avoiding deviant behaviors.

“You must live your faith with dignity. I have been calling Christians' attention to this. Even though life is difficult, we must live our faith in a dignified way. We are Christians, we are disciples of Jesus, we are children of God,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop said.

He added, “Some people choose the wrong path, and even Christians, although they attend Mass, struggle to follow the path of goodness due to life's difficulties.”

“Our behavior has to be modern, it has to be an example to others, and not be a cause for scandal. When you, as a Christian, behave badly, when you follow the path of evil, malice, crime, theft, corruption, or delinquency, you cause scandal to others,” Bishop Camuto said.


The Angolan member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (CSSp./Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans) underscored the importance of practicing God’s Word as the guide for living.

“The Word of God will help you direct your life, distinguish right from wrong, and it will help you avoid the path of evil. This is salvation. Jesus saves us, not just after death, but here and now, when we accept His word as our light and guide,” he said.

The Local Ordinary of Caxito further said, “Through the Word of God, which is in your mind and heart, you will direct your life toward goodness.”

“From that moment you are saved. You are saved because you will know what to do and what not to do,” Bishop Camuto said.

He said, “We can avoid the paths of crime, delinquency, banditry, theft, because of the word of God that is in you, that is in your mind, in your heart. You're going to build your life on the path of good.” 

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João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.