
Mission Sunday: Catholic Official in Angola Urges PMC to “be joyful servants, always available for service”

The Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in the Catholic Archdiocese of Luanda in Angola has urged members of the Diocesan Pontifical Missionary Childhood (PMC) to offer themselves joyfully and willingly to the service of the Gospel and their fellow brothers and sisters, following the example set by Jesus Christ.

In his World Mission Sunday homily at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Major Seminary in Luanda, Fr. Osvaldo Vicente Dala said, “It is Jesus who teaches us to give ourselves and die so that others may have life.”

“We want to be joyful children and young people because the Lord teaches us to serve with joy, especially in our daily interactions—in our parishes, families, schools, universities, and workplaces,” Fr. Dala said during the October 20 Eucharistic celebration.

He urged PMC members to embrace service with a joyful heart and to dedicate their time and attention to those in need of hearing God’s Word, saying, “Let us be joyful servants, always ready to serve, focusing on those who need the message of God's Word, our listening ear, and our love.” 

Fr. Dala also called them to seek the intercession of Our Lady, asking for her help in opening their hearts to others, especially in difficult times.


The Angolan Catholic Priest noted that joy is a key element in inviting others to the faith.

“Before we invite others, we must be filled with this spirit of joy. No one throws a party without enthusiasm. Joy is contagious, and we should encourage our brothers and sisters to celebrate our faith with enthusiasm, sharing Jesus with everyone,” he said,

Fr. Dala underscored the importance of unity and cooperation in the mission, reminding them that everyone has a unique role in the body of Christ, and no one can replace the mission of another.

He said that all baptized Christians are called to serve without limits, noting that the strength to fulfill this mission comes from the richness of faith and the Eucharist.

“No matter how difficult the situation, whether in the life of a Christian or a married person, we must continue to be as present and necessary as possible, especially for those who have not yet encountered Jesus,” Fr. Dala said.

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The PMS Director emphasized the importance of humility in service, recalling that “The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve.” 

He encouraged PMC members to follow this example, saying, “Our greatest pride should be in serving and loving others as Jesus did. We will only truly learn to give ourselves and love if we remain close to Jesus.”

Father Dala also underscored the importance of prayer, cautioning that when making requests, we must be prepared to accept God’s will, even when it doesn’t align with our desires. 

“When we pray, we must be open to God’s will, even if it is different from our wishes. Today, the Lord invites us to embrace holiness, not through external imitation of Jesus, but by allowing God's grace to transform the deepest parts of our being,” he said.

Fr. Dala PMC urged members to seek purification and transformation, saying, “It is essential to correct our defects and seek to purify ourselves. We must cast aside negative emotions like envy and anger and face our realities with faith. The Lord invites us to come to Him, especially when we are weary, so that we may find rest. In this way, our lives can become a reflection of the life of our Master.”


João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.