
“Your mission extends beyond liturgical roles”: Nine Newly Ordained Deacons in Angola Told

Bishop António Francisco Jaca of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Benguela

Bishop António Francisco Jaca of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Benguela has called upon the nine Seminarians he ordained Deacons on October 19, to embrace their calling as servants of the people and live out their vocation with joy.

In his homily during the October 19 Diaconate Ordination, Bishop Jaca told those he ordained that their mission goes beyond liturgical functions.

 “The mission of Deacons extends beyond their liturgical roles. You are called to be servants of the people,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop said during the October 19 Eucharistic celebration at Our Lady of Fatima Cathedral of Benguela Diocese.

He added, “You must always remember that you are instruments of God's peace and love in the lives of every person you encounter.”

Those ordained were Seminarians Domingos Camati, Eugénio Wango, Alfredo Grega, Abraão Lueo, Antônio Estêvão, Evaristo Segunda, Bartolomeu Calule, Pedro Soma, and Manuel Tchingalule.


In the homily, Bishop Jaca also emphasized the need for the new Deacons to remain in communion with Christ and to commit to lifelong learning. 

“You must deepen your formation and always remain open to dialogue with God and with the community. The knowledge of the Word and the practice of the sacraments are essential for fulfilling your ministry,” he said. 

The Local Ordinary of Benguela Diocese, who also serves as the President of the Episcopal Commission for Culture and Social Communications of the Bishops' Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST) underscored the importance of love among Deacons and their brothers in faith, in accordance with Christ's command. He said, “This is the essence of the Diaconate. You are called to be witnesses of Christ's love in every act and every word.”

The 60-year-old Catholic Bishop also cautioned those he was about to ordain of the challenges they would face in their mission, emphasizing the importance of humility. 

“There will be moments of doubt and difficulty, but it is crucial that you trust in God's grace. He is always by your side, guiding and strengthening you to fulfill your vocation,” Bishop Jaca said, encouraging perseverance and courage, even in the face of adversity.

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He reminded them that the Diaconal mission is a call to service, saying, “Always remember that the true leader is the one who serves. You must show yourselves to be servants of all, ready to meet the needs of the community and bring the Good News of the Gospel to everyone.”

The Angolan member of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) urged the Deacons-elect to remain steadfast in their faith and cultivate a heart free from personal interests. 

“The Diaconate is a gift and a commitment. May you always be examples of love, justice, and solidarity, so that you may fulfill the mission entrusted to you,” he said.

He added, “You have been chosen to serve, and this implies a serious commitment to God's Word and His people.”

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.