
Uganda Confirms Ebola Patient Death at Kampala Hospital, Catholic Chaplain Urges “strict” Adherence to Safety Measures

The Catholic Chaplain at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Uganda is calling for “strict” adherence to preventive and control measures against viruses that spread Ebola disease after a patient passed on from it.

On Wednesday, January 29, a 32-year-old male nurse at the referral hospital in the capital city of the East African nation, Kampala, succumbed to the strain of “Sudan Ebola Virus Disease”, the country’s health ministry confirmed in a statement dated Thursday, January 30.

"The patient presented with a five-day history of high fever, chest pain, and difficulty in breathing, which later progressed unexplained bleeding from multiple body sites,” the statement that the Permanent Secretary in Uganda’s ministry of health, Dr. Diana Atwine, signed reads in part.

The ministry adds having “experienced multi-organ failure”, the patient, who had “sought treatment at multiple health facilities … as well as from a traditional healer” succumbed to Ebola and that the post-mortem samples confirmed the strain of Sudan Ebola Virus Disease.

“Currently, no other health care worker or patient on the ward has presented with signs or symptoms of Ebola,” the health ministry assures citizens of the East African nation.


In an interview with ACI Africa, the Catholic Chaplain at Mulago National Referral Hospital, Fr. Valentine Onyewuchi Amuneke, said that while “currently no other case has been recorded … it is a difficult time for every Ugandan, especially those working in the hospital.”

Fr. Valentine Onyewuchi Amuneke

Fr. Amuneke acknowledged with appreciation the commitment of health workers in monitoring the deadly virus and reaching out to the people of God with information about safety measures.

“It is important to appreciate the relentless efforts of our health workers as they strive to monitor and control the spread of the deadly virus through their prompt medical intervention and community sensitization,” the Nigerian-born member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers) told ACI Africa in the Friday, January 31 interview.

The Catholic Chaplain emphasized the importance of adhering to safety measures, saying, “It is proper the citizens adhere to the strict infection prevention and control measures as stipulated by the Ministry of Health.”

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In the January 30 statement, Uganda’s ministry of health makes specific appeals to health workers, relevant government officials, and the public.

Health workers are “to maintain a high index of suspicion and adhere to strict infection prevention and control measures.”

“Private clinics and healthcare providers must follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and promptly report any suspected cases of to the nearest district health authorities for further investigation and management,” the ministry of health directs.

On their part, Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) and Resident City Commissioners “are instructed to activate the Task Forces and inform the Ministry of Health of suspected cases,” the ministry further directs.


Ugandans are directed to “avoid physical contact with individuals exhibiting Ebola symptoms, maintain strict hand hygiene by washing hands regularly with soap and water or using hand sanitizers, avoid direct contact with bodily fluids, including urine, blood, sweat, saliva, vomit, and stool, from suspected Ebola patients and refrain from handling dead bodies of persons with signs similar to Ebola.”

“All burials of suspected and confirmed cases of Ebola should be supervised by designated health teams to ensure safe and dignified procedures,” the ministry further directs in the January 30 statements that ACI Africa obtained.

It adds, “All public places are advised to institute mandatory handwashing facilities including use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers.”

“Facilities have been identified for isolation of all listed contacts. Any contact that develops symptoms will be transferred to a designated isolation center,” the ministry states.

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“Vaccination of all contacts of the deceased against Ebola Virus Disease is set to commence immediately. The available doses of the Ebola Vaccine is prioritized for contacts and health workers,” Uganda’s health ministry further says in the January 30 statement.

In the interview with ACI Africa, the Chaplain at Mulago National Referral Hospital called for hope in the context of the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year.

“As pilgrims of hope, it is nice we draw strength from the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, who reassures us to take courage, not to be afraid,” Fr. Amuneke, referring to the theme of the 2025 Jubilee Year.

He implored, “We pray to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the safety of every Ugandan, hoping and believing that our Lord Jesus Christ calms the storm.”

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