
Pastoral Agents “must be bearers of hope”, Catholic Bishop in Angola Says, Emphasizes Trust in the Lord Who Strengthens

Archbishop Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias of Angola’s Catholic Archdiocese of Luanda

Those directly involved in the ministry of evangelization as pastoral agents must inspire hope among the people of God, Archbishop Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias of Angola’s Catholic Archdiocese of Luanda has said. 

In his homily during the Opening Mass for the 2025 Pastoral Year in his Metropolitan See, Archbishop Dias urged pastoral agents to model their lives on the person of Jesus, especially during the new Pastoral Year that is to be lived in the context of the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year.

“Our catechesis, our liturgies, our works of charity and justice – our entire lives – must be bearers of hope. This is only possible if they are centred on Jesus, who is our hope and loves all,” the Angolan Catholic Archbishop said during the February 9 event that was held at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Major Seminary in Luanda.

He posed, “How can we help those who suffer to maintain hope? How can we assist those in poverty and misery in keeping hope alive? How can we support those facing inner struggles, at risk of losing their sense of purpose?”

“This is our challenge, but also our joy: to go against the current of despair, to show that love never runs out, that love is never exhausted. While we may struggle to find ways to help, we are certain that Jesus knows the way,” Archbishop Dias said.


Christian hope, he went on to say, must be lived “authentically, even in the face of suffering, conflict, and contradiction.”

The Archbishop of Luanda urged pastoral agents to keep in mind the meaning of their response to God's invitation to His service. 

“The Lord calls us and wants to count on us. He does not call us for mere leisure or entertainment. While there will be moments of joy with Him, He primarily calls us to be active participants, subjects, ministers, and workers in His Kingdom,” he said. 

“Even those who doubt their ability, those who ask, ‘What can I do?’, must trust that the Lord will strengthen and equip them for the mission,” he added.

Archbishop Dias encouraged the people of God to adopt their attitude of openness and obedience in the example of the members of the Holy Family and the prophets. 

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“I hope you embrace the attitude of Mary, the attitude of Jesus, the attitude of Joseph, the attitude of Isaiah: ‘Here I am, Lord; let me serve according to Your will,’” he said, and added, “From the moment we are born, God is already calling us, counting on us, and has a plan for each of us.”

The Angolan Catholic Church leader emphasized the need for pastoral agents to identify with God and His call, “listening to Him, keeping His commandments, and shaping our lives in His image; this is the most radical and profound commitment.”

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.