
At Ordination, Catholic Bishop in Angola Emphasizes Service, Faults Secular Mentality of Diaconate as “promotion”

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Diocese of Caxito

The ministry of Diaconate is not a promotion but God’s call to service with humility and dedication, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has told the five Seminarians he ordained Deacons on February 22.

In his homily during the Diaconate Ordination of David Gonga, Bernardino Chitangua, Gabriel Geraldo, Isaac Pilika, and Helton Arão, Bishop Camuto said their Ordination marked the beginning of a life of selfless service.

“Diaconate Ordination is not a promotion. It is a commitment; it is a service, a voluntary dedication that must be embraced freely,” he said during the Ordination celebration that was held at St. John the Baptist Parish of Caxito Diocese.

The Angolan member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (CSSp./Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans) added, “No one is forced to exercise this ministry; it is not performed out of obligation. Therefore, carry out your mission freely, and remember that no one should be coerced into this service.”

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Diocese of Caxito


“Let us remind everyone, especially family and friends, that being a Deacon, Priest, or Bishop in the Church is not a promotion but a service to God and humanity,” he emphasized.

Reflecting on the essence of the Diaconate, Bishop Camuto said, “This is the mystery that challenges us. It is different from the powers of this world, where dominance and subjugation often prevail. The disciple must walk the same path as the Master, who came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

Availability for service and readiness to serve, he said, are “our missionary experience. This is our experience as Deacons, Priests, and Bishops—to always be prepared to serve.”

Credit: Diocese of Caxito

The Local Ordinary of Caxito since his Episcopal Consecration in August 2020 emphasized that this readiness to serve should be a permanent attitude, not dependent on mood or personal circumstances.

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“One must always be prepared to serve others. May we be recognized as true disciples of Christ through our dedication to our brothers and sisters,” he said.

Bishop Camuto encouraged the five Deacons-elect to embrace service as a lifestyle, saying, “We must walk this path with sincerity so that we may truly be recognized as disciples of Christ through our service. May this be reflected in our lives and in our relationship with God.”

Credit: Diocese of Caxito

“Being a Deacon is an act of self-giving; it is a dedication to others, not to the Bishop, not to the Church as an institution, not even to the community, but to God. It is never about obligation,” the Catholic Church leader said.

He continued, “The word ‘Deacon’ means ‘servant’ because the Diaconate is a ministry of service. A Deacon is someone who dedicates his life to serving God, the altar, and the people.”


Bishop Camuto challenged the Deacons-elect to rethink their understanding of ordination. “Do we still consider Diaconal, Priestly, or even Episcopal Ordination as a promotion?” he posed, adding, “Many think that being ordained or accompanying the Bishop is a form of elevation. It is not; it is a service. We must feel the weight of responsibility.”

Credit: Diocese of Caxito

“Being a Deacon means feeling the burden of responsibility, being available at all times, often losing sleep, reflecting on the day’s responsibilities. Remember this always,” he said.

The Spiritan Bishop urged the Deacons-elect to embrace their mission with joy, despite the challenges they may face.

“We must follow the example of Christ,” Bishop Camuto said during the February 22 Ordination of five new Deacons, adding, “Carry out your mission with joy. Always serve with a serene heart. There will be fatigue, there will be difficulties; that is normal; we are human. But God always calls us to serve with joy.”

(Story continues below)

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.