“Nature is itself wounded by environmental degradation, through consumerism and global warming,” he said, adding, “Interpersonal relationships are wounded by the fatal activities of terrorists, kidnappers, bandits, etc. Humanity is itself a wounded humanity.”
Archbishop Kaigama urged Catholic doctors in Nigeria to “exercise their profession steeped in faith and spirituality. The Hippocratic Oath you take as doctors is to protect, promote and preserve life.”
“Even though equipped with medical or scientific knowledge, we still find our inadequacies in healing the bodily wounds or safeguarding life,” he said, and continued, “The COVID-19 Pandemic is one such medical mystery that seems to have generated divided opinions. The doubts about the authenticity of the vaccine, shows that medicine with faith practice must go together.”
The July 1-3 General Assembly is being held under the theme, “Universal Health Coverage (UHC) 2030, Health Security, the role of Catholic doctors.”
In his July 2 homily at St. Gabriel Catholic Parish of Nigeria’s Abuja Archdiocese, Archbishop Kaigama lauded Catholic doctors for sacrificing their time to come together saying, “I commend you members of the national Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners for taking time off your busy and demanding duties to come together to reflect from the point of view of faith on your call to service as medical practitioners.”
“Your convening for this conference is an act of faith, because you are acknowledging that with all your scientific and medical knowledge you are still dependent on the Supreme Being, the Creator, Omnipotent and Omniscient,” he added.
The Local Ordinary of Abuja Archdiocese noted that “faith should bear fruits in good works towards the poor, the sick, the oppressed, the outcasts, people with disabilities and sinners. Faith must bear fruits of goodness, generosity, compassion and social and economic justice.”
“Faith without good works seems to characterize our practice of religion in Nigeria,” the Catholic Church leader further observed, adding, “We, and especially our leaders, must be concerned with the poor, the oppressed, widows, orphans, the ill, the senior citizens, children and those with disabilities rather than imitating the West by pressing for abortion as a fundamental human right above even education, health care, employment.”
Making reference to Pope Francis’ address to Catholic Doctors during the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations in Rome for Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 22 June 2019, Archbishop Kaigama said, “You are called to give care with delicacy and respect for the dignity and physical and psychical integrity of the person.”