
10 Things You Can Do for Ongoing Synod on Synodality

Participants in the synodal meetings in Paul VI Audience Hall-Vatican City. Credit: Vatican Media

After the first session of the 16th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, "For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission", started last week in the Vatican, faithful around the world may ask themselves: What can we do now for the ongoing Synod? How can we contribute to its outcomes? Here are a series of suggestions.

  • Invoke the Holy Spirit

To contribute to the work of the Synod you can recite the Adsumus Sancte Spiritus prayer, "We stand before you, Holy Spirit", to invoke the Holy Spirit upon the participants in the General Assembly. The prayer is attributed to Saint Isidore of Seville, who lived between 560 and 636, and it was prayed throughout the centuries in several councils, synods and church gatherings. It was published by the organizers of the synod, and is an opportunity for the faithful to unite and ask for the grace of the Holy Spirit for all the participants. 

  • Go to Holy Mass and Eucharistic adoration

To accompany the Synod in prayer, St. Peter’s Basilica is holding an additional hour of adoration in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament every evening until eight o'clock on weekdays in October. This allows participants in the Synod to pray in the evening after their meetings. You too can go to your parish as much as you can on weekdays and Sundays to participate in the Holy Mass, and Eucharistic adoration for the intention of this Synod.


  • Pray the intercessory prayers of the Synod

On September 12, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Mario Grech, sent a message to all the bishops of the world repeating Pope Francis’ words: "Without prayer there will be no Synod". Grech attached to his letter intercessions for weekdays, and feast days that could be used as a Universal Prayer during the Eucharistic Celebration or as intercessions at Vespers. You can recite these intentions in daily Masses within your local community or while praying Vespers. 

  • Dedicate time for a Lectio Divina with "synodal" texts

The Biblical Subgroup of the Spirituality Commission of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has published a booklet in March 2022 to provide biblical resources for the Synod. During or after the first session of the General Assembly, you can take one of the texts of the booklet and meditate on it in the manner of a Lectio Divina. These texts include Psalm 107, Joshua 24, Mary praying with the Apostles in Acts 1:13-14, the First Council in Acts 15:1-35, and others.

  • Meditate the San Damiano cross

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In an ecumenical prayer vigil in St. Peter's Square on Saturday evening, September 30th, with Christian leaders from around the world, Pope Francis prayed to God for the Synod before the San Damiano cross, which inspired Saint Francis of Assisi to restore the Church. Meditate, during this Synod, on the symbols of this cross so the participants in the Synod, and the entire community of faithful have the "courage to take up the cross of the men and women of our time," as Cardinal Grech put it in his reflections last Saturday when the Rosary was recited in Saint Peter's Square.

  • Pray the Rosary for participants

October is the month of the Holy Rosary. Accompany the course of the Synod by reciting the Rosary for the intention of those present. You can browse the list of participants, look at their names, and recite each of the fifty "Hail Marys" for the intention of one of the participants.

  • Perform an act of charity for the intention of those gathered

At the synodal process, "the need for a church capable of including the poor, the least, and the distant, with special attention to refugees and displaced persons was strongly demonstrated", Cardinal Grech said in his reflections last Saturday when reciting the Rosary in Saint Peter's Square. So, do an act of charity or mercy for the intention of those gathered, so that the Church's work would be crowned with charity.


  • Make small sacrifices

October may not be a liturgical time of fasting, but you can fast on Wednesdays or Fridays and offer your spiritual sacrifice for a synod that reflects God's will. You can make other sacrifices during this time as well, such as giving up sweets or gossip, or getting up earlier in the morning. 

  • Don't share unreliable news 

Given the importance and universality of the Synod, false news may spread on social media throughout this month or after the end of the first session. Therefore, check the authenticity of information or news before quickly sharing it on your personal accounts, in order to be a witness to the truth and not to sow doubt unconsciously in weak hearts. 

Follow the coverage of the Synod here. You will get the latest daily news for the first session, as the ACI Group agencies through a series of Rome-based correspondents provide the best coverage of the event. For example, you can read the weekly summaries of the Synod when they are released.

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  • Pray the Virgin Mary and the saints

In conclusion, as the eighth number of the Synod’s Instrumentum Laboris says, entrust the work of the Assembly and the continuation of its commitment to a synodal Church for the intercession of those "living the full communion of saints, and especially to that of she who is first in their ranks, Mary Mother of the Church". 

Pray to Saint Joseph, patron saint of the Church. Pray also Saint Michael the Archangel, the other patron of the Church, with the following prayer: "St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen".