
World Day of Tolerance: Bishops in Ghana Join Call for Vigilance Against Peace Threats

Logo of the National Peace Council (NPC) in Ghana. Credit: NPC

Officials of the National Peace Council (NPC) in Ghana, among them Catholic Bishops, are calling on the people of God in the west African nation to be vigilant by recognizing threats posed by those who want to divide the country. 

In their message on the International Day of Tolerance which was celebrated on November 16, the NPC officials, including representatives from the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference (GCBC) said maintaining national unity and cohesion requires “a conscious and deliberate effort of all.”

“Every individual must rise to the occasion and play the role of a watchdog on his/her fellow citizen against the eulogization of one’s religion, political and ethnic groups over the other to gain superiority - this is a greasy path to mayhem,” they said.

The NPC officials urged Ghanaians to shift their focus from their differences and work towards building a stronger, more united nation.

“Divisive utterances and behaviors will only hold us back as a nation from reaching our full potential as a people,” they said, and added that it is crucial for Ghanaians to “carry the message of tolerance, unity, and social cohesion across all levels of society and maintain the culture of inter-ethnic marriages in our society.”


The officials appealed to Ghanaians to exercise tolerance towards each other, saying, “It is more paramount even now than ever to continue to coexist peacefully and tolerate our differences despite our rich diversity of religion, political and ethnic affiliations, and groups as global peace is threatened by violent extremism, hate speech, and xenophobia, coup d'etats, and wars."

They added, “As a pluralistic nation, overlooking the pockets of intolerance against others will be a major catalyst of unimaginable tension leading to unprecedented chaos and calamities.”

“Tolerance requires investment in people, and in the fulfillment of their full potential through education, inclusion, and opportunities," the peace officials said, and challenged the people to work towards building "societies founded on respect for human rights where fear, distrust, and marginalization are supplemented by pluralism, participation, and respect for differences.”

Magdalene Kahiu is a Kenyan journalist with passion in Church communication. She holds a Degree in Social Communications from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Currently, she works as a journalist for ACI Africa.