Here is CNA’s English translation of Pope Francis’ letter to four German Catholic laywomen expressing his “concerns” about the direction of the German Church.
Tuesday was not the first time Pope Francis and the Vatican have expressed reservations about the German Synodal Way.
Vatican spokesman says that with these meetings, "exclusively humanitarian in nature," Pope Francis wants to show his spiritual closeness to the suffering of each person.
The new document signed by Pope Francis and DDF Prefect Cardinal Victor Fernández was written in response to a bishop from the Philippines.
The pope’s message on the theme “Rejoicing in Hope,” was released ahead of the next diocesan World Youth Day, to be celebrated on Nov. 26.
Pope Benedict XVI spent his retirement at Mater Ecclesiae Monastery until his death on Dec. 31, 2022.
The pope also warned that today there are many obstacles to having a genuine moment of inward reflection.
Bishop Joseph Strickland’s removal on Nov. 11 comes after the Vatican Dicastery for Bishops completed a formal investigation in the diocese earlier this year.
Emanuela Orlandi, the teenage daughter of an envoy of the Prefecture of the Papal Household, disappeared June 22, 1983, after leaving for a music lesson.
“Holy Father, thank you for taking the time to try to help us free the 240 human beings who are buried alive under Gaza,” Rachel Goldberg Polin said in a video.
The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issued the document in response to questions from a Brazilian bishop.
HarperCollins Publishers announced Tuesday that it will publish the pope’s book, “Life, My Story Through History,” in the spring of 2024.
Pope Francis on Wednesday drew upon the example of Venerable Servant of God Madeleine Delbrêl as a testament to conversion and service.
Reports said Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda had been tasked by Pope Francis with drafting revisions to conclaves.
Asked about the synod assembly’s discussion of homosexuality, Pope Francis said: “When I say ‘everyone, everyone, everyone,’ [I’m speaking about] people.”
Pope Francis said in a TV interview he will travel to the United Arab Emirates for the second time from Dec. 1–3.
Citing the need to deal with “profound cultural transformations,” the pope presented his dramatic vision for the future of Catholic theology in a new motu proprio.
“Holiness is a gift of God, which we’ve received at baptism. And if we let it grow, it can completely change our lives,” Pope Francis said.
Much remains unclear about what concretely will take place in the year leading up to the second and final Synod on Synodality assembly in October 2024.
During his Sunday Angelus message, Pope Francis expressed that the love of God and the love of neighbor are inextricably bound together.