In his Angelus, the pope said forgiving is “not a good deed that we can choose to do or not do” but “a fundamental condition for those who are Christians.”
The palace was originally home to Cardinal Raffaele Riario, known for having invited Michaelangelo to Rome after being impressed by his artistic abilities.
All nine members of the Ulma family, who were murdered by the Nazi regime for sheltering two Jewish families, were beatified Sunday.
During his Sunday morning Angelus address, Pope Francis urged the faithful to reflect on the miracle of the Transfiguration and to see the same beauty in the faces of the people we interact with every day.
“This,” the pope said, “is the favorable time to be converted, to stop looking at ourselves and to start looking into ourselves.”
The rapid acceleration of new technologies can produce significant consequences for human life and the environment Pope Francis said Feb. 20.
“Lent is a time of grace to the extent that we listen to him as he speaks to us,” Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis addressed once again the question of whether he will resign the papacy in two conversations with Jesuit priests in Africa this month.
The oversight committee is part of the pope’s reform of the governance of the Rome Diocese.
Boxes of thermal shirts took sail from the port of Naples, Italy, destined for Turkey, on the morning of Feb. 15.
“The news from Nicaragua has grieved me a great deal,” the pope said.
Pope Benedict XVI’s essay on the Eucharist is part of a series of texts the pope emeritus wrote after his resignation in 2013.
Benedict XVI was “not a bitter man,” Pope Francis said, speaking during his inflight press conference Feb. 5 of his relationship with his predecessor.
Benedict XVI said he had suffered from chronic insomnia since the early days of his pontificate, according to a letter he wrote to his biographer.
In his Sunday Angelus address, the pope expressed “great sorrow” for the death of Palestinians killed in an Israeli military raid and seven Israelis killed in a shooting.
The pope spoke to almost 100 apostolic nuncios and permanent observers of the Holy See who are meeting in Rome this week.
God can speak to us in the unexpected moments of our lives if we learn to listen well to what he is telling us in our hearts, Pope Francis said on Wednesday.
The so-called "definitive movie" about Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be in theaters in October. It sheds new light — and delivers powerful images of — the venerated Albanian-Kosovar nun.
In one of the shortest pontificates in papal history, John Paul I gained a reputation for his humility and his dedication to teaching the faith in an understandable manner.
Candela Giarda thanked “Pope John Paul I for this second chance at life that he gave me.”