“I have faith,” said Luis de la Fuente Castillo, coach of the team that will play in the Euro Cup final on Sunday after having defeated France earlier this week.
Rouen Mayor Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol confirmed the incident on social media, sharing an image showing smoke rising from the cathedral’s spire.
The organizers of the fourth edition of the pilgrimage announced the prohibition in a July 6 post on X.
The meeting on Friday resulted in Rome demanding the Germans change the name of the body and agree it cannot have authority over the bishops’ conference.
A drag queen-led parody of the Last Supper featured during Friday’s opening ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics has sparked a wave of incensed reactions and denunciations.
The two prelates will have to pay 1,500 euro (about $1,605) each, the court ordered.
Bishop David Waller received his episcopal ordination in Westminster Cathedral in London on June 22, the feast of English saints John Fisher and Thomas More.
Venerable Matt Talbot has inspired many who struggle with addiction and is being considered for sainthood in the Catholic Church.
Panelists called for “increased awareness and concrete steps at the U.N. level to abolish surrogacy and uphold human dignity.”
A Catholic committee has turned to the Vatican in an attempt to avoid a permanent Synodal Council to oversee the Church in Germany.
The pope said there was “an air of faggotry” at the Vatican, according to reports.
The pope made the trip to the Capitoline Hill to speak to local government officials on June 10 in the Senatorial Palace, home to Rome’s city hall.
The Salesian News Agency (ANS) announced in an article that the event will begin Aug. 11 and will conclude on Aug. 16 —St. John Bosco’s birthday.
The lost painting by Caravaggio was recently rediscovered and is now on display at the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain.
The news of the upcoming canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis has people wanting to know about the circumstances of his death and where his body rests.
Who was Carlo Acutis? Was his body found incorrupt? Was he really a gamer? What did he play? Here are 10 things you should know about the millennial generation's first saint.
The pope’s one-day visit to the northern Italian city of Verona on Saturday centered on a message of peace, urging people not to "become spectators of the so-called `inevitable' war.’”
Pope Francis might be traveling to Turkey next year for the 1,700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea, according to Patriarch Bartholomew.
The president of the German Bishops’ Conference has called Germany — a nation whose history is entangled with the Catholic Church — a “mission country.”
May 13 is the optional memorial of Our Lady of Fátima, arguably the most prominent approved apparition of the 20th century.