On the first Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis focused his Angelus address on the temptation of Jesus in the desert.
Speaking on a rainy Sunday in Rome from the window of the Apostolic Palace to the crowd huddled under umbrellas below, the pope said that he wanted to express the closeness “of the entire Church to all those who are sick or frail.”
The pope observed today that Jesus, “after teaching in the synagogue, comes out so that the word he preached can reach, touch, and heal people.”
Speaking from the window of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, the pope said on Jan. 7 that the anniversary of one’s baptism should be celebrated each year “like a birthday.”
Just days after Christmas, Nicaragua’s Sandinista regime abducted four priests, whose whereabouts are still unknown.
In his final Angelus address of 2023, Pope Francis paid tribute to Pope Benedict XVI on the one-year anniversary of his predecessor’s death.
During Tuesday’s Angelus on the occasion of the feast of St. Stephen, Pope Francis renewed his call for peace.
On Christmas Eve, Pope Francis urged Christians not to confuse Christmas with consumerism, but to celebrate the birth of Christ by sharing with those who are lonely and in need.
Pope Francis reflected on St. John the Baptist as a luminous figure who testifies to the light and teaches us that “only in God do we find the light of life” during his Angelus address Dec. 17 on the third Sunday of Advent, or Gaudete Sunday.
Pope Francis highlighted the importance of listening to God by embracing the example of John the Baptist.
Pope Francis, for the second consecutive Sunday, was assisted by an aide in praying the Angelus, as he continues to recover from an acute bronchial infection.
Pope Francis during his weekly Angelus highlighted the two different ways of approaching God, one based on fear and the other on trust.
The pope also warned that today there are many obstacles to having a genuine moment of inward reflection.
During the Sunday Angelus on Nov. 5, Pope Francis warned against living a double life, highlighting the dangers it presents for authentic Christian witness.
“Holiness is a gift of God, which we’ve received at baptism. And if we let it grow, it can completely change our lives,” Pope Francis said.
At the Vatican, Pope Francis will mark this holy and significant season with prayer and two liturgies.
During his Sunday Angelus message, Pope Francis expressed that the love of God and the love of neighbor are inextricably bound together.
During Sunday’s Angelus, Pope Francis spoke to the faithful on the importance of the correct relationship between the Church and the state.
Do not forget to be grateful to God for the free gift of your life and faith, Pope Francis said in his weekly message at the Vatican on Sunday.
The pope spoke one day after he gave a strong condemnation of euthanasia on his return flight from Marseille, France, saying there is such a thing as “bad compassion.”