In his Angelus, the pope said forgiving is “not a good deed that we can choose to do or not do” but “a fundamental condition for those who are Christians.”
Christ is with us and walking beside us in our daily journey through life, including our struggles to be holy, Pope Francis said Sunday.
Pope Francis on Tuesday urged the faithful to adopt a “spirit of service,” pointing to the example of the Blessed Mother who went in haste to help her expectant cousin Elizabeth.
In times of fear and difficulty, call on Jesus, who has already conquered the powers of evil, Pope Francis said on Sunday.
At the Angelus on Sunday, July 16, Pope Francis reflected on the parable of the sower and encouraged parents not to give in to “fashions” of the world and to continue to sow goodness and faith in their children.
The residents of three rich cities in the time of Jesus were incapable of marveling at his works and message, Pope Francis noted, seeing in their example a warning for the faithful of today.
Every baptized person is called to be a modern-day prophet, living as a witness of Jesus to others, Pope Francis said on Sunday.
In Pope Francis’ Angelus address Thursday on the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, the Holy Father reflected on the different meanings of the first pope’s name, which he said can mean “rock, stone, or pebble.”
Pope Francis has urged Christians not to be afraid of suffering criticism, economic loss, and persecution for being faithful to what the Church teaches.
Pope Francis appeared in the window of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace on Sunday to make his first public speech since his release from the hospital on Friday.
Each time that a Catholic makes the sign of the cross, it is a reminder that God is a communion of love, Pope Francis said Sunday.
Pope Francis prayed Sunday for the victims of a train crash in India that killed at least 275 people.
We should treat the physical and social differences of others as a chance to love, not as an inconvenience, Pope Francis said in his Angelus address on Sunday.
People are looking for an oasis in the Catholic Church from which to slake the thirst left by busyness, indifference, and consumerism, Pope Francis said on Sunday.
On the first Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis warned of three “widespread and dangerous temptations” that the devil uses to separate us from God and divide us from each other.
Instead of acting out of self-interest or convenience, the Lord challenges us to love others in excess “without calculation,” Pope Francis said on Sunday.
“The news from Nicaragua has grieved me a great deal,” the pope said.
In his Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis said that following Jesus requires the courage to leave behind the sins that are holding us back.
In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis encouraged Christians to cultivate the virtue of knowing “how to step aside” in order to bear witness to Jesus, as St. John the Baptist did.
In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis said that God’s justice is often misunderstood as mere punishment when in reality it “raises us up” by “freeing us from the snares of evil.”