During his Sunday Angelus address, the pope called on people to take part in the upcoming Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
It all started more than 67 years ago.
The pope was speaking at the Sunday Angelus.
The pope looked ahead to the Jubilee of Guadalupe in 2031.
The pope leads the Angelus prayer on Marian solemnities, as well as Sundays.
Two young people joined the pope as he delivered his Angelus address.
When one is faced with an important difficult decision, Pope Francis’ advice is to imagine standing before Christ at the “threshold of eternity” because that is what ultimately matters.
Pope Francis gave a special Angelus address for the Catholic feast of All Saints’ Day.
He made the appeal in his Angelus address.
Pope Francis called on the international community to stop deporting migrants to unsafe countries.
Do good from a spirit of service, not from a desire for personal glory, Pope Francis said on Sunday.
The pope outlined a three-step process for personal renewal.
Pope Francis said that recognizing one’s own frailty allows for the possibility to discover that true strength comes from placing all one’s hope in the Lord.
Division and exclusion come from Satan, Pope Francis warned.
“Do you want to be first? Serve. This is the way,” the pope said.
Pope Francis has said that silent prayer with the Gospel is the “secret to spiritual health.”
Complaining and blaming others is a waste of time; the way to defeat evil is to conquer it first within our own hearts, Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis encouraged Catholics to not water down the teaching that the Eucharist is Jesus’ Body and Blood.
‘God became man for me, for you, for all of us, to enter into our lives,’ the pope said.
The pope said that Catholics were called to leave behind self-interest.