
Archbishop Bert van Megen

Official logo and motto of Pope Francis’ Apostolic visit to the South Sudan in July 2022. Credit: Vatican Media

Nuncio to South Sudan Says Planned Ecumenical Visit “a moment of grace for all of us”

May 17, 2022

The representative of the Holy Father in South Sudan has said that the planned ecumenical visit to the East-Central African nation is “a moment of grace” for the people of God in the country.

Bishop Alex Lodiong Sakor Eyobo, ordained Bishop of South Sudan's Yei Diocese on 15 May 2022. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Catholics in South Sudan’s Yei Diocese Urged to “work together with the new Bishop”

May 16, 2022

The Cardinal in Sudan has urged Catholics in the Diocese of Yei in South Sudan to collaborate with their new Bishop “to strengthen the body of Christ” in the South Sudanese Diocese. 

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen lays hands on the head of Bishop George Muthaka, during his episcopal ordination May 7 at Our Lady of Consolation Cathedral of Garissa Diocese grounds. Credit: Garissa Diocese

Nuncio in Kenya Cautions against “power, imposition”, Calls for “humility of heart”

May 9, 2022

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has cautioned church members including members of the Clergy against the tendency to refer to authority saying, “The church of Christ does not build on power or on imposition.”

Screengrab of Archbishop Hubertus van Megen during the Diamond Jubilee of the Brothers of St. Joseph, Saturday, 30 April 2022. Credit: Courtesy Photo

75 Years of Brothers of St. Joseph in Kenya Occasion to “look back at beginnings”: Nuncio

May 2, 2022

The Diamond Jubilee of the Brothers of St. Joseph, the first indigenous Religious Congregation of men in Kenya that is under the Archdiocese of Nyeri, provides an occasion to look back at the humble beginnings of the Catholic institution whose cardinal obligation is to “respond to the needy and oppressed people”, the Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya said.

Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya and South Sudan, Archbishop Hubertus van Megen (right) at the Holy Family Cathedral of Rumbek Diocese alongside Mons. Christian Carlassare (left) on 24 March 2022. Credit: Fr. Wanyonyi Eric Simiyu, S.J (Rumbek)

“We have been waiting a long time”: Nuncio to South Sudan on Eve of New Bishop Ordination

Mar 24, 2022

The representative of the Holy Father to South Sudan who has arrived in the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek to preside over the Episcopal Ordination of the new Bishop for the South Sudanese Diocese has said it was a long-awaited event. 

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen blesses congregants at the installation of Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba as the Local Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Kisumu. Credit: ACI Africa

Nuncio in Kenya Cautions Predecessors against Interfering with Affairs of Successors

Mar 21, 2022

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has cautioned Catholic Church leaders who have been succeeded against meddling in the affairs of their successors and urged the former to leave room for the latter to start a “new chapter” in their new respective ministries. 

Bishop Mark Kadima (center), Archbishop Hubertus van Megen (right) and Archbishop-elect Maurice Muhatia Makumba at the Episcopal Ordination Mass on 19 February 2022 in Bungoma Diocese. Credit: ACI Africa

At Episcopal Ordination in Kenya, Nuncio Cautions against Clericalism, Urges Listening

Feb 20, 2022

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has cautioned against “clericalism” which he said he had noted from his interactions with the people of God in the East African country including Priests and Bishops as they participate in the ongoing preparations for the Synod on Synodality. 

The Bishop-elect of Kenya’s Diocese of Bungoma, Msgr. Mark Kadima
Credit: Radio Bakhita/Twitter

Pioneer of South Sudan Apostolic Nunciature Appointed Bishop for Kenya’s Bungoma Diocese

Dec 14, 2021

The Catholic Priest who spearheaded the establishment and official opening of the South Sudan Apostolic Nunciature as its pioneer Chargé d’Affaires has been appointed Bishop for the Catholic Diocese of Bungoma in Kenya.